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For the past two update cycles, I have been slowly acclimating myself back to the vampire route in terms of its world. While I had an end goal for the story in mind, the middle had been shaky for the longest. After plenty of time to brainstorm, I’ve come up with an interesting premise for the next story chapter, which I’ll slowly reveal over this update cycle.

What I can share for now, are some updated maps. Do you see any new changes in the northern region?

The story will take Mila back to Fallholt, which has seen numerous changes over the century. Technology has grown and its populace has expanded. However, some timeless structures remain the same.

I’m sure you are curious about some of the new buildings. I didn’t want to simply port over the same map from the main route with a few changes, but I’ll elaborate more on that the further I get into development. The Fallholt area is one of my favorites in the game and putting a new spin on it is something I’m looking forward to making and sharing with you all!

That’s all the news I have to share with you for now, but I also want to announce that there will be no update next Sunday as I will be out on a week-long trip with some of my friends! Weekly updates will resume as normal on Nov 26 at the usual time, 8PM EST.

Also, also, if you haven’t had the chance yet, I’m currently hosting a player satisfaction survey for Crimson Veil. It’s about 20 questions and should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. The survey is entirely anonymous, so feel free to share any of your wildest ideas! Your help has already contributed to the recent updates, so I’d like to hear what else you all can offer me. The link to it can be found below:


Until next time, everyone!


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