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Greetings, everyone!

I hope that all of you who have played the latest content have enjoyed it. I’ve addressed the few issues that have been brought to my attention so far. Thankfully nothing major, which is always a load off my mind! This week I took it easy, catching up on my gaming backlog which has been fairly neglected this year! Yesterday, I started updating the walkthrough. If any of you have had difficulty discovering some of the hidden content in this update, I hope you’ll peer through the guide to check out what you’ve missed. It will be released alongside version 5.3.1, next Sunday at the usual update time (8 PM EST)

To anyone considering becoming an NPC for version 5.3.1, please be sure to become a Tier 4 Patron by Friday, Nov. 3 as that is when I plan to finalize any changes to the public release. 

Also, we are right on the cusp of Halloween! And since we are so close, I have a special bonus for patrons right now! The previously announced mini doujin by Jun Harvel is complete and can be viewed early by patrons of any tier!


This is a 9-page comic that the two of us collaborated on over the past few months and I think it came out great! There is an English version, adapted by me, as well as a Japanese version. Please go give him a follow @rg_18vhit if you like his work and let me know what you think of it! Would you like to see other comic adaptations of the game’s scenes in the future? Perhaps I can set a crowdfunding goal for one if there is enough interest.

That’s all I have for you this week! Until next time!



Does he have a patreon?


that sucks i remember he did some comic to animation adaptations for Aya Yana they were pretty good


Right. I think he’s working on another animation on his twitter at the moment.