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How’s everyone doing today?

As I write this, I’m putting the finishing touches on the last illustration needed for this update! There are 6 new illustrations being added in this update, bringing the new total up to 140 images to unlock in the picture gallery!

With that done, I can finally complete the last few touches needed before I begin testing. I expect to have everything done by this week and then I will start testing all of the new content to assure a successful release.

There isn’t much left for me to share but one of the new images I completed during the week, Seraphina’s bite scene.

$5 and up Patrons can check out the full version right now, which includes 2 alts. if they like.

Quick update today, but we are nearing the end of this update cycle, so that should be expected. I hope you look forward to playing the new content soon!

That’s all I have to share with you this week! Take care everyone!



I'm super excited for this update. Corruption of clerigy is one of my favorite themes.