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Howdy, all of you!

October is approaching and you know what that means! Spooky season is nearly upon us! Oh yeah, the game’s latest update is set to release that month too. This week, I focused on getting artwork done. I’ve just got a few more sketches to finish and I’ll be done with this update. Here’s a teaser of the latest sketch I’ve finished:

Do any of you find it easier to work on personal projects outside of the house? I find that working in my room can often lead to distractions. So, during each update’s production cycle, I usually take a day or two to work on the game away from home to help me focus. I planned on writing Seraphina’s conversations this past week, but those plans fell through. The additional workload I’ve had from my day job has left me drained over the last few weeks (since the start of August, really). I just haven’t been able to come home and focus on writing as much as I would like. Tomorrow, I plan on taking a personal day from my day job to visit the local library and get some quality, focused work done on the game. The scenario’s writing is done. I just need to write Sera’s Pet dialogue.

For those of you who don’t know, I usually write these updates shortly before they go live, every Sunday at 8 PM EST. I do this mainly because Sunday is the day I dedicate fully to working on the game and when I get most of the week’s work done. I intended to finish a drawing to share with you all, but I was running short on time today, and I don’t want to rush it to meet this week’s deadline. I’ll share with you a small teaser for now and I’ll release the full version, once it’s done, to my $5 and up patrons:

Wish me a clear mind for this upcoming week! Until next time, everyone!


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