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How is everyone doing this week?

I’m back home after the recent pest extermination in my house and after all the cleaning was done, I was happy to be back in the grind of things. Here’s what I have to show you all this week!

In case you missed the announcement earlier, the game has been updated to version 5.2.2.  You can download it now on Steam and Itch.io. This patch fixed the Dorian Manor Gemmare statue bug that was present in the game. You can freely update without any worry of it affecting your save file.

This week, I began writing Bianca’s support conversations. Bianca’s conversations will actually work a bit differently, as you cannot initially date her or take her with you as a party member. Since she is very weak, you’ll have to train her up. 

Once you have completed a few battles with her, the next conversation will unlock, and Bianca will be a bit stronger the next time you spar with her. Bianca is planned to have the most support conversations of any other Pet, but I’d like to keep the details vague for spoiler reasons. I hope you understand!

Next, I have a two holy women to share with you:

The corrupted nuns from the main route have been un-corrupted! Similar to what I did with the vampire maids, the nuns now have a human form as well. Like the maids, they will also have a sexy bite scene when you defeat them.

Onto the main event, here are a few of Seraphina’s expressions, in full color!

She’s a quite a devious woman, with a black heart. How did she get into church work anyway? I guess you’ll all find out once you play. I hope you like her!

That’s all I have for you all this week. Until next time, everyone!!



Oh, I’m looking forward to turning that slutty nun slut into a vampire slut. Hope you have her suck some cocks nice and good.