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Hope you’re all well this week. It’s been a busy Easter weekend for me and things have been rather tight with staffing at my day job. It is what it is. Regardless, I’ve still got stuff to share with you, so let’s get on to the news!

My focus this week was on fleshing out the support conversations for the new pets. Not just the writing, but creating the events and testing that they play right too. Though it took some sitting down and thinking, I’ve completed Vicilla and Edith’s conversations. I’d like to set the expectations for these conversations now. Not every single one is going to be about domineering, mistress worship and vampire slave things. I wrote them to be relatable and endearing, similarly to how I wrote Bianca. There’s a place for sexy scenes with them, of course, but essentially writing the same scene with a different character would be pretty exhausting, boring, and samey. These characters will share with you some of their personal feelings, desires, and fears. I feel that these sorts of conversations are the most engaging and encourage you to keep using each girl to find out more about them. I’ve certainly grown to like them more as I’ve written for them and look forward to maybe expanding on them in the future.

Onto art news, I’ve got a total of 11 new illustrations that are planned to be added to the Picture gallery. I apologize that this adds a bit of time to the release of the game, but the more illustrations the better, I say! I’ve got one new teaser to share with you all. A solo scene with Edith.

The full version is currently available for all my $5 and up patrons. Check it out if you want to help support me.

That's all I have to share with you this week. Until next time everyone!


Zeref Dragnell

I don't mind if it takes a while and you're right. The more illustrations the better. I love your illustrations. I can't wait to keep playing and see how the vampire story continues. :D


While I agree with the above post on all points, I wouldn't mind an estimate of when we might receive the next update. Doesn't have to be an accurate prediction or anything. The preview looks neat though.


Honestly, Im expecting to be done sometime in June. I probably could have finished in late May, but I’ll be out of the country for 10 days on a family trip in early May. I’ll have more to announce later, but that’s where I feel I’m at right now.