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So here we are, once again commemorating Crimson Veil’s 4th anniversary. Nearly 4 years to the day, the main story is complete, and the game is available on a major platform. We’ve come a long way.

My goal for this year’s anniversary was to get the newest version out to Steam. But, I usually post something to commemorate the day. Last year, I drew an illustration and made a short Fun Facts video. I didn’t prepare something that elaborate this year, so instead I’m doing something different. Something perhaps… controversial?

I decided to rank all the girls in Crimson Veil. I will be ranking the girls based on multiple factors: How much I like their design, personality, and bad ending. Some factors may weigh in more than others. I have also omitted collaboration and commissioned characters from this list. I don’t feel that it’s fair to judge characters that I didn’t create.

I think you are all familiar with how tier lists work, but let me just establish what each rank signifies for me.

S - Best Girls. I love these designs and want to draw them some more. These are the characters that take up the most of my headspace.

A - Excellent Girls. Some of my favorite characters in the game. These characters get special treatment in the game, either with extra scenes or art. Would love to do something more with them.

B - Good Girls. These characters are interesting enough to write good scenes around. Their endings may be some of my favorites and their designs are enticing.

C - Okay Girls. These characters are fine. They may just be generic in design or have a personality I don’t jive with, or they may just have an older design that I’m no longer proud of. Still, I like ‘em.

D - Meh Girls. I don’t care for these characters very much. I’m not particularly interested in writing scenes for them and/or I don’t like their designs very much.

F - No. I don't like these characters. Seeing them makes me cringe for one reason or another.

With that said, here are my crappy opinions!

Based on this, can you tell I have a type?

Alexandria, Victoria and Vicilla are my top choices, as of the latest update.

  • Alexandria was a character I really took time in getting her look down. She’s one of my oldest OCs and though her design has changed over the years, I was looking forward to the day I could finally add her. She has a dominant personality, but has a sweet side that is only briefly revealed in the short time she is on screen. Her cute, blushing expression might be my favorite.

  • Victoria’s design was one that I remember not struggling much on. Usually I take a while to sketch something, but not so for Victoria! Her sketch came out clean and is one of my favorite designs to this day. She was originally going to be Mila’s design in the Vampire Route, before she got the design she has today. The expression with her tongue out is a big part of why I find her so hot… Her ginger hair and bright eyeshadow are a weakness of mine. Honestly her whole get up is just great. I probably would have added more to detail to her dress come to think of it, but the simple, bright red suits her well.

  • Vicilla is also another one of my older OCs and her design and personality combo is what puts her over the top. Even though she is challenging and time-consuming to draw because of the details on her armor, her cute face makes it all worth it. More content with her will be added in the upcoming update by the way! I love her as a human, vampire, lycanthrope, and as a hybrid. She’s simply lovely.

I’m sure some of you will disagree with my choices, and that’s fine. You are entitled to your WRONG opinions. But, feel free to tell me how wrong I am and who is truly the “Best Girl”. I’d love to hear your opinions.



Aeriseth truly is top tier, would love to see more happen with her especially since you can have her with you now!


Gotta say, if Victoria's design is what you were going for with Vamp Mila, I would have been happier. Man I like it when the main female character becomes a vamp dommy mommy


I drew her as a concept design, but when I was working on the collaboration quest with the VampYou characters, I repurposed the sketch and made it a new character to save some time. I thought to myself, I’d rather lose to this character than make her playable. She just seems too different from Mila.