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This week I was ravaged with a bad flu that put me out of commissions on Tuesday and Wednesday. Chills, sore throat, low energy... Yeah, it was a rough week. My throat still feels itchy as I'm writing this. What kept me going was the joy I felt from having my game approved and ready for it's Steam release! For those of you unaware, the Steam version will release on March 3rd along with the updated walkthrough to go with it. With 5.1.2 done, I can finally begin jotting down some new maps. 

While working on the last update, I realized how helpful it is to draw a map on paper before committing the map design to the game. I made this while I had some free time at work. It's a draft of the pirate ship dungeon, The Ruddy Raider:

Ah yes, scratch notes on paper is the quality content you expect to see from my updates! Still, there's ideas there I don't want to spoil, so they're hidden for now...

I do have a bit more that I want to share with you all today. I want to give you some insight on my creative process. Sometimes I have an idea of what a character is going to be like before I draw them, but other times, their personality will develop while I'm actually drawing different expressions on them (A good example of that is Rita from the Mummy quest).

Last week, I shared a preview of some of the new characters being added. At the time, I had only finished the flat colors. but the character of Edith really grew on me as I gave her different facial expressions. Here are some of her finalized looks.

She's going to be such a pompous brat! Writing for her is going to be fun!

One last thing before I go. I JUST finished this today and I didn't want to wait on sharing it. Here is the game's newest title screen, which displays after you begin the Vampire Route!

The moon glows with a blue hue, contrary to the game's other title screens. Could this be significant? Only time will tell...

That's all I have for you this week. Until next time everyone!


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