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Another week and the discomfort from my right arm hasn't gone away. I finally went to the hospital this week to get it checked out. Thankfully it's nothing serious, but I was recommended to rest the arm as much as possible. I was able to do little this whole week but think of the game and what is coming next after work is done on this current update.

I may do another smaller update after this one. I think that the last update sort of burnt me out on story telling and I need something fresh to inspire me again. I have a general idea of where I want the story of the vampire route to go, but so far it's a lot more loose than my vision for the main route. I want to go back and tweak a couple of scenes, maybe add some more art or create an extended bad ending... Features that are often requested, but I rarely have time on the schedule to add.

On that note, I did manage to draw a bit this week (despite being told otherwise). Here are some sketches that I've managed to finish:

The need to conquer my art block surpassed any physical discomfort I may have had working on these. I don't think I'm there yet, but I need to get my brain back into creative mode soon. Speaking of creative, check out the results of the most recent user-submitted idea contest!

Some of these results were pretty close, but here is the final results on the recent idea contest!

The two ideas that will be added in are Countess in Crimson and Terror of the Seas! These should be fun to script! Thank you again to everyone who participated in this event!



damn, would have loved to play that multiple night slow corruption infiltration game of the good doctor. but winners are fine as well


Im wondering... would it be possible to make the game moddable, so people can make their own stories/quests to add into the game as contracts in the tavern? If that is something you want for your game, of course.


Modding isn't something I can officially support yet. It could cause complications, like some asking for compatibility with X mod, or someone writing in quests that I don't approve of. Once the game has finished receiving updates, I'll be okay with it.