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...I mean, is there anything left to say?

Finally, after nearly 6 months of work, the final chapter of Crimson Veil is complete and it's release is imminent. Thank you all so much for your patience through the delays, but I'm happy to be able to share the game's ending with you all. On Patreon and Itch.io, I have refreshed the page's banner with the game's new title screen. This represents the next phase in this project's development. I won't go too deep into details now to keep the focus on the story's finale, but rest assured, more great content is on it's way in future updates!

But, until then, what's next? 

I'll be working behind the scenes on updating the walkthrough next. My goal is to finish it in time for the public release on Dec 25th. I'll also be pulling down the art assets and sketches currently available to 5$ and up patrons, as I begin to upload the new ones. These perks will be released the same day as the game's release, so just be aware of that, if you a supporter in that tier! Aside from that, I have some fanart that I've been meaning to work on for a while, unrelated to Crimson Veil. It'll be nice to work on art that isn't related to the game for a change! I'll be sharing it with you once it's done. I'm sure some of you will appreciate it!

The holidays are a time filled with tons of family obligations, scheduling conflicts, and stress for most, so I plan to take it easy this month and try to enjoy it. I still have Xenoblade 3 in the cellophane since I bought it back in July, so maybe it's time a crack that baby open and sink some time into a different sort of RPG!

That's all I got for this week. I hope to see you all here next week at 8 PM EST for the update's release!



2 more hours? im dying of hype


It's actually releasing at 8 PM EST, same time as my usual updates! Just a bit longer to go!


Oooo 8pm est is 2am in my timezone. Sweet