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Another week, another grind on the game's final dungeon. This week, I finished the draft for the entire final dungeon, and it is a BIG one. 

With that said, today I would like to announce that I will be pushing the expected release date for the update to at least October. While development is going smoothly, the summer months have given me some family responsibilities that have limited my free time to work on the game. This being the climax, I want the final area to leave a lasting impression and fleshing out all of the rooms will take a significant amount of time. To give you an idea of the workload I have, here is the castle's full map layered on top of each other for scale:

There are over 200 individual rooms across 13 floors in this final dungeon! Additionally, each area will have access to a warp room, allowing for easy exploration options across the entire map, once you've uncovered them! There isn't just one way of getting around the map either, although you will have to complete certain objectives within areas of the castle before you are able to reach the end.

This is the longest wait between updates so far, I know. And with much of the art being secretive, it makes for a string of lackluster updates, so I apologize to patrons or any followers of the game who have felt underwhelmed as of late. 

Developing games is very time consuming, but family obligations have to come first. I hope you will continue to stick with me as I see this project through to it's conclusion.

That's all I have for you this week. Until next time, everyone!



OK this is really a massive map and I can´t wait to explore the final dungeon. I bet that there will be rooms that I will find after a second or third play through. As for the end of the game, I am still looking forward to the vampire route and also those mentioned extra quests. The idea of a sequel sounds also nice, but perhaps you could do somthing like Yeaka and make smaller games from time to time with a different theme.


Wow. Dude. No need to apologise, looking at how insane this final area is I am happy to wait. Looks like you're really going your all. I'll be here for whatever you look to do after CV as well, at this point you've proven it will be worth backing.