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Hey everyone!

Do you think you could do me a favor? I'd like to collect some more opinions from the community. I would greatly appreciate it if you could take the time to complete this short survey about your time with Crimson Veil. it goes without saying, but your feedback has been invaluable to making this game such a success and this survey will give me a broader idea of where my game can be improved. Please answer honestly. 

You can click here to complete the survey.

Thanks in advance!



hm, you maybe should have added a final field for "free feedback", that's always a nice touch. And on some of the questions i would have liked the option to not Answer. I only tried the Vampire Route once, when it was still brand new, so i can't really give feedback to the quality of its Story. Put a "5" on that.

Sothe Dain

I've only just started playing, haven't even finished the first quest yet, so I feel like I can't fill this out yet. But I will when I get caught up!