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Bit by bit, this chapter is coming together! I scripted some more scenes this week, one of which I think will make the community discuss how they handled it! I'm curious to hear how you will handle it once you get there. I'm being vague, but I don't want to reveal all my cards too early!

Anyway, unrelated,  but here's a screenshot of a mechanic that will be introduced in this chapter:

See that crystal on the bottom? The crystal works as a sort of radar and will help you find this chapter's macguffin. When you approach an area, it will glow momentarily. As you get closer, it will start to flash indicating that you are going in the right direction!

I'm also finishing up the last couple of illustrations for this update. I've got a preview of the Fuyukiba bite scene, which is animated!

It's available to all of my $5 and up patrons! Check it out if you would like to see the illustration of scene a bit early!

That's the short of it for now! Until next week everyone!



Well that is an intriguing and cryptic sentence! Haha. Very interested to see what you have coming. One thing I love about this game is not only is the ero great, you've crafted an interesting story too! Look forward to it!