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If you're playing the game on mobile, go download the updated version, which has removed the NPC that was previously blocking a hallway in the chapter 4 dungeon's hallway. It's available on itch. 

This week after a long journey, I finally settled into a long-term, full time job. The kind I said I would look for once I reached 100 patrons about 2 years ago now. Obviously, looking for a good job in these times has been pretty difficult, but it happened and I couldn't be happier. 

When I set the roadmap for the next couple of updates, I already had the timeframe in mind for the releases in regards to my day-job work schedule. That being said, this first week has been killer for me and I have found myself with no energy or will to sketch anything as of yet. I've also had to deal with the slightly messy release of 4.1.1, which released with a leftover dev tool that caused a halt to game progression. I have however, been writing the outline of the next chapter, but that's not something I can really share with you all yet.

There will be two more enemy types being added to this update, along with the previously released Baitelle enemy. That's what I plan on focusing my energy on creating first. I have an idea of how I want them to look, but I've got some pretty bad artist block. This weekend is going to be difficult with family obligations, so rather than force an update for this Sunday, I'd rather be honest and let you all know what's going on. I'll be back on the 30th with more to share with you all.

Hope you understand!



Congratulations! Good luck with your new job! Take your time. The main thing is to have fun


Thank you! It's still fun, I just hate not delivering on Sundays! It's like having to tell your teacher you didn't do your homework.