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As the title describes! Come check out the game's newest content! Here are the changes you can expect to see:

•Contracts 12 & 13 added

•Baitelle side-quest added in Mor Town Tavern after chapter 3.

•Serenity Drug side activity added. Accessible after chapter 2 intro and during Viviene's extended bad ending.

•Ghoul Bad Ending (MIla) updated to include extra art.

•Addicted and Cursed status added.

•Additional scenes with contract and plot relevant characters added before they are properly introduced to the player.

•Jessica can be interacted with in Viviene's extended bad ending.

•Picture Gallery has 100 total pictures to unlock (Pic 92 currently not accessible except through the dev room).

•"Dual Lashings" skill damage adjusted and now requires 15 LP instead of 25. "Selfless Soul" now requires 25 LP instead of 20.

•Minimum enemy damage is now a fixed percent based on skill used instead of 1.

•Dorian's Brides' sprites updated.

•Added detail in certain maps.

•Additional autosave points added throughout quests.

•Misc. bug fixes. 

Be sure to check the pinned post on Patreon for the updated Dev Room codes for 4.1 and report any issues you encounter so that I can get on to fixing them.



Hm, i just finished the Hospital Dungeon, and i fear you fell for a common mistake of inexperienced Game Developers: putting a long, unskippable cutscene right before a hard Bossfight. And it's especially aggravating here because that Bossfight even has an extended Bad End, so Players will want to do the Fight at least twice. I strongly suggest you somehow put in an opportunity to save the game after Gabrielles exposition about her Mistress and the Orbs, before the Fight against her starts. Played through to the End of Content now, that Final Scene was pretty cool. Little disappointing though that the big choice between Ashe and Amber had basically no consequence except for a very slight variation in Dialogue, but maybe you're planning on having the Consequence show in the next Chapter. Anyway, definitely looking forward to whatever comes next.


I did experience that in my testing actually and found it frustrating as Gabrielle is easily the toughest winnable fight in the game right now. I’ll see if I can do something to remedy this headache for the upcoming public patch. Yeah, that final scene was always going to occur no matter what your choice was. In fact, that scene was one of the first ideas I ever drafted for this game, so like 2-3 years in the making.


can you add a mega link for window the google drive link dosent work


You can download the game on itch.io https://mkrudesign.itch.io/crimson-veil