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I'm curious to see how many of you read non-essential dialogue in the game. I.E, speak to all NPCs, examine all objects for unique dialogue, read journals etc. Please answer truthfully as I would like the data to be as accurate as possible.



I like talking to NPCs and reading journals, but hate when games over do it. There's nothing more annoying than having both gameplay and ...other things interrupted by a Charles Dickens novel worth of dialogue.


That’s fair. When I first started working on the game, the first thought in my mind was that I wanted the game’s intro to be quick and snappy. Explain the world briefly and you are off on the first quest in minutes if you choose to skip talking to the other members at the HQ. It’s also why I added in the super fast dialogue function.

Rene Koch

I am Always curious so i try everything i can and i Like your Style . And who Knows what is Hidden