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Let me tell you, it is VERY difficult to share my progress without spoiling anything for you all lol. 

The dungeon's layout is just about done, new loot has been added, enemy placements are finalized aside from the boss battle, and the stalker type enemy has been programmed, although it still requires further testing.

Indeed, this stalker enemy who I mentioned in a previous update is now implemented and it's been pretty fun (and frustrating) to test. This monster has the ability to chase Mila through multiple rooms if it spots her! This can lead to pretty panicky situations if it chases you into a room filled with enemies you haven't cleared yet and they suddenly all spot you. If you are forced to fight it, just run. This unbeatable stalker will demolish Mila if it manages to attack her.

This totally was not inspired by the stalker enemies in the recent resident evil games btw...

Fortunately, if you are forced into an enemy encounter during this section, you'll notice that you now push an enemy back a few steps, giving you some breathing room and hopefully preventing you from getting backed into a corner with no hope of escape. You probably still don't want to be in a situation where you're surrounded... Unless you want to get a bad ending, of course!

Once again, stealth is key in this section, so hide behind objects and avoid line of sight!  I'm still tweaking the stealth system as some enemies are still able to spot me when I feel that I should be behind cover. Even with extensive testing, this will likely be a mechanic that gets further tweaks after release. 

Lastly, I want to share a few screenshots of rooms related to aspects of the dungeon's design. They may not all be hints to puzzles, but they are all relevant in some way. Keep them in mind for the release of the new update!

That's all I have for you this week. Until the next one!



Great now I'm going be waiting in dread for some a scene with the new horror shouting out "NOCTURNE" before having to run like hell ^^