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The outline has been finalized and the course for this update's story is set! In addition, I am almost done with all of the illustrations for the villagers' scenes.  Just need to put the finishing touches on a few of them and I can check that off the list. Here is a preview of one of them!

You may have noticed in the game's last update that I added text at the start of each chapter. It was meant to be a placeholder. What I wanted was to make it look like this:

I made a proper chapter header and each chapter now has a subtitle. This will also be added to the vampire route, which will start as "Chapter 1-V". I think this looks waaaaay better than the plain text that originally divided the chapters. I'm happy with how these banners turned out!

Okay, time to talk about the timeline for the updates following this upcoming vampire route update!

The next update will be Round 6 of user submitted contracts as well as a contract that I have come up with. Following that, I will be adding in the Chapter 4 story update and then there will be another Round of user submitted contracts and possibly more main story content if there is time. The vampire route will be put on hold after the release of this update, baring minor updates. 

The reason for this is that I am getting close to the conclusion of the main story and I want to focus on finishing that so that my full attention can shift to the vampire route. The vampire route, even after this story update feels like it lacks side content like the main route. There are no real contracts or reasons to level up Mila aside from advancing the story. I don't want to make the story grindy and I want to add challenges and content aside from the main story that reward players for exploring and leveling. Balancing two stories back to back isn't healthy for the development of either game, so please be aware that there may not be a major update to the vampire route for a while.

That being said, I am excited that I am getting near to writing the main route's climax! I hope you're looking forward to it as well!


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