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The latest voting round has concluded and the Winner is Keeping Mindful. It was a pretty close round, and this contract won by just a handful of votes, so a congratulations to Chris Leiterman for his winning idea!  It's been brought to my attention that certain creatures from this idea are under copyright however, so I will be modifying this contract slightly, just to avoid any necessary issues. There is nothing to worry about. The main idea of the contract will be preserved.

This past week I wrote down and outlined the story for Bianca's Diary. Again, laying down my ideas really helps to cement the story I want to tell. It will mainly flesh out Bianca as a character, but some other characters will get development too! I've also got a couple of sketches done this week. Writing the outline inspired a few non canon bad ending scenes for Bianca and I got straight to work on drawing scenes for them.

This side story will be very linear and focused. There will be conversations to find with NPCs, but nothing as far as items or equipment to collect. This story is light on combat too. Bianca is not a fighter and should you find yourself in a fight, your best option is to run away at all cost. Attempting to fight as an unarmed bookworm will have bad consequences...

Speaking of bad consequences, I will now be opening another poll to my $5+ patrons! They will vote on which bad ending they would like to be added to Bianca's Diary. 

The choices are: 

Nosferatu Ending


(New Monstrous Vampire type) Ending

-This new vampire type is one I plan to add in the chapter 4 update, but I thought it would be a good idea to introduce it early and have Bianca taste it's fearsome power first. What kind of vampire is it or what does it look like? You'll just have to vote for it and see if it wins! Make sure you get your vote in now! It will be live until 8/7/20 12:00 A.M EST

Finally, since Bianca's ending is self contained, I think that its a pretty safe place to update occasionally. More endings and situations can be added for her in the future. If you like Bianca, there's more of her coming in the future.



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