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The main scenario is now about 80% complete. Events are properly scripted through the end of the main boss fight. As I may have stated in a previous update, this upcoming chapter is quite a bit longer than the previous chapters. There have been plenty of scenes to script which have taken a few hours to get right. There's plenty of dialogue, but this is a chapter that needs that information to set up future events.  Of course there's also a lot of NPC flavor text that needs to be added as well. 

For reference, playing through the chapter start to finish, reading at an average pace, and skipping most optional fights took me about an hour and a half. This also doesn't include visiting the Casino Area or Slime Cave.

My focus for this upcoming week will be to script out and write the bad endings. I've started working on a few, but I've gone back and forth on them. I need to be in the right head space to write those scenes. After that, well, I pretty much need to move on to testing the game and it should be ready for release! I expect to be finished with this update by the end of the month, early July at the latest.

I've got no pics to share today, since there really isn't much more to show at this point that isn't spoilers. I'm excited for the release and am looking forward to getting all of your reactions!

Until next time!



just don't try to rush it mate. I'd rather you take a week longer to deliver a quality product than to rush it out the door at the end. Really looking forward to it though.