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Not related to Crimson Veil, but still involving Mila! I got inspired to try something new and for this little project, I decided to use Mila as a test subject. I gave her an alternate outfit, based off of how I designed her in Code Vein.

For time reasons, I’ve been pretty sloppy with my sketchwork lately, since it all gets redrawn digitally anyway. However, for this I decided to put a bit of extra work into the sketch itself. I haven’t sketched out lines this clean in a while. I forgot how good it felt to finish off a satisfying sketch!

I’ll be sure to share the result of my experiment here once it’s done, assuming it comes out properly! It would be my first time doing this! For now, I hope you like this alternate design for Mila!




<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/8yYb8ftzbB6XK_sVnLsTtFlYpuGAMMmAY5NMYSuK0Xl7cG9DGtKyOWl0mFsYz6wt.png?token-time=1718841600&token-hash=0TTuFZeWPqDNm7uH9gRzv9mFV90rINucEgiHhQvNUwI%3D"><br>For reference, this is what she looks like in game. I think it looks pretty accurate to the original design! I even got the hair highlights right!


For reference, this is what she looks like in game. I think it looks pretty accurate to the original design! I even got the blonde hair streaks right!


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/JJmixzB-LWUFtrMCV6E8i-xrDfVGMdyYE2poLkfnBIXXeu1vDkhe6G6eKa9qyZz3.png?token-time=1718841600&token-hash=cFV8lg3OrJkfso_ZrT2cpG8uIhP2MSN87wLtD1L3_WQ%3D"><br>