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I've got some screenshots of the inside of Fallholt Castle today.

Building the castle was my focus this week. Aside from the main hall, there aren't any NPCs in the building yet. The ones in the main hall were there for a test scene I was working on. Some places still need to be further decorated, but nearly all of the rooms are complete. 

This week I also did something that I don't usually do, which is actually write an outline for the chapter! I normally write as I go with a rough idea of how scenes should play out and then adjust scenes as I play, but since there are a lot of ideas I want to make sure are added, I made sure to type out everything before I start adding in the scenes.  

This is easily going to be biggest update to the game so far. There's a lot of dialogue, but I may cut down some things, since I know plenty of players want to get to the good stuff. Part of the fun of making the game is writing a story that players will find compelling enough to stick with after the hentai scenes. As much fun as those scenes can be to write and illustrate, there still needs to be that hook that keeps players wanting to return.  I'm pretty happy with this first draft of chapter 3's story. I think it may be longer than chapter 1 & 2 combined, to give you an idea.

For anyone that missed the update I posted on Friday, I am currently experiencing pretty major computer issues. I have already ordered a replacement and it is expected to arrive between this upcoming Friday and the following Wednesday. It's frustrating to have to make such a large investment at such short notice, but at the very least, this new PC seems to be a sizable upgrade from what I had before. I only pray that it lasts longer... :/

R.I.P my PC




Your old comp wasn't that old . what happened?


I wish I knew! Its not a virus or malware issue. I think it may be a hardware defect. The pc is out of warranty too so I have little choice