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The new update is ready to go! I hope you all enjoy the newly added content! Be sure to check out the attached READ ME file for the changelog so that you can see everything that has been added or updated! 

Have Fun!


Hakumei Ryuujin

Think I found a bug. If you equip up to 3 of the cursed items then unequip and then reequip two pieces at least it will activate the ending. I still haven't found the last piece yet too. Otherwise I've loved the new update so far.


I just finished a fresh playtrough the game and I still love every bit.^^ YOu put the purple chest in the right spots to find them and I really like the idea of corruption cloth. It would be awsome to use them in the vampire route. The new hunting contracts are great and the hivemind for the bees is a nice touch. The lamias are a beautiful race and I like the idea of them be a permanent part of Mor Town. We need more monster waifus there.