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I got quite a few things accomplished this week! As you may have seen from an earlier post on my Patreon, I was working on the art for the main antagonist of the lamia quest. She and her minions' art are done. Here is a quick teaser of her alternate form...

(Her mystic jewelry allows her to assume a human form!)

I planned to focus on the art before jumping into any game tweaks, but I did go and update Bianca's ending. It's a bit different, although the ending is the same. Also, if you defeat the librarian vampire before fighting Bianca, she will now run away in fear of you (just as she would if you defeat her, but choose to spare her), since the librarian no longer controls her mind. A small addition that I added to make Bianca's new ending make more sense.

I've also dipped my hand in some sprite editing. While I am still in talks with a sprite editor, if there is any work that I can accomplish on my own I'll choose to do that instead. I edited these Bee Girl sprites and I think they came out decently. I'm going to make an attempt to create the lamia sprites as well. It will be a challenge for sure.

Lastly, I've finished sketching out the two commissioned characters. Both of them will appear in the Vampire Route as additional bosses you can fight. Their designs are not finalized yet as I am still working with the clients on the details, but here are some sketches to give you an idea. They are Johannes and Alyena respectively.  

What started as a slow week ended up becoming a productive one! I'll see you all in the next update!


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