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The sketches for the second quest are nearly done. I just need to complete the bad ending art for this quest as well as the promised additional art that will be added to Iris' ending. I got the idea that the lamias would have an Egyptian look to them. They would be traveling from far off to offer their supposed beauty supplies to the residents of Mor Town. Here is a preview of how their leader will look like while in her human form.

I honestly thought I would have a lot more free time this week, but I ended up being much busier than I thought I would! Thankfully, the sketches are nearly done and I have decided to finish all the art before working on the update. The update won't have any large areas to build, so it should be a quicker process. I also want to fix a few things that have been bugging me, like some warp tiles not being where I want them to be. 

Regarding the new update time, I am targeting 8 PM EST Sunday nights moving forward. I think this is the best time slot for me to post updates consistently, so expect them to be up around this time. Also regarding Patreon, I've also decided to post these updates on Patreon as Patron only posts from now on. The reason for this being that I've occasionally posted updates with NSFW art and I didn't realize that was against terms of service. If the posts are only visible to Patrons its no issue, but public posts can get me in trouble, so just to be safe, that is what I will be doing. I will still post these updates on other sites, so the information will still be available to read without being a patron.

I still have 1 commission slot available for this update!

If you would like to add your OC as a hunter for the vampire path or add a vampire/monster girl as a singular encounter to the game. 1 slot still remains! If you want more commission info, check out my previous post here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-1-19-20-33269613  Message me if you have any questions!


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