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Title: Serpentine Skincare Session

Contract is to investigate a new business that opened up where the former clients are acting strangely. The business advertises itself as a place for health and beauty treatments that uses exotic oils and women who go there come out looking younger and more refreshed. But they become obsessed with their skin, saying it’s drying out, and that they need to go back again and again. They also become aggressive towards people who try who dismiss the treatments and pressure other women into getting treated. The client, while searching for a few women that have gone missing, said she saw a woman with fangs. 

Mila would meet the client whose friend was one of the first to use the spa and among the missing. The client insists the spa is run by vampires. When questioned about the fanged woman she saw, the client says she didn’t get a good look, only saying that she saw that they were topless. Mila decides to visit the spa as a client, as an excuse to look around. The diverging point for the bad-end or not is if she secretly eavesdrops on the store-owner before the treatments start.


If she doesn’t eavesdrop Mila goes through the spa treatments (oil massage, hot stone treatment, etc.) preparing for when the owner will try to inject blood into her or bite her. As Mila’s lead through the building for the treatments she’ll notice there are crosses all around, see other clients who are sunbathing, and during the session the owner never tries to pierce her skin. Mila comes out of the session very relaxed and thinking this was a false alarm. Then the owner will offer her a complimentary special massage as thanks for her service as a vampire hunter, while also flirting with her. 

As she massages Mila she’ll burn hypnotic incense and once Mila’s too deeply under to resist she’ll reveal the massage oil is made from Lamia venom. The business is a plan to slowly convert women into more lamias to fight back against vampires. The owner then bites Mila to inject her with a huge dose of venom to transform her right away. Mila is converted into a lamia, lusting over the owner and the others who have been transformed.


If Mila does eavesdrop, she’ll hear the owner complain about how cold the town is and how much she can’t wait to soak up the sun again. Mila realizes it can’t be vampires and be aware of more possibilities as she goes through the treatments. She’ll notice the incense is affecting her when offered a complimentary message. This will prompt a fight against the staff (NPC lamias, then owner as boss fight) which if won results in the good end.

Title: Dress for Duress

You get a contract to kill a powerful vampiress who moved into the now empty mansion in the Humilem Village. The vampiress is wearing a beautiful classic vampire dress, and while she turns to dust after you kill her, her dress stays behind and you can't help but try it on. Turns out the dress is cursed and will slowly turn you into a vampire. To get rid of the dress you need the help of a witch that lives in the woods. The Witch sends you on a Quest to gather ingredients from around the woods for the Ritual to break the curse. During the Gathering Quest the Dress influences you mentally and you slowly start to transform.


You return to the Witch, but as she prepares the Ritual to free you, you give in to the Dress' temptation, finish your transformation, and the Witch will be your first Victim.


You return to the Witch, resist the final temptation, and the Ritual frees you of the Dress and reverses your partial transformation.

Title: Parasite Armor

Contract will be posted by a traveling blacksmith from a nearby town wanting someone to “test” a new type of armor. Although his over excitement might cause Mila to be cautious since something seems a bit off. If the test is successful and a Noctorna hunter were to vouch for his armor, then it would not only make the people safer and increase business  for him, but it would let him know that he can start making more of the armor. He would then give her the armor that would have a very high defenses & resist, although it would lower evasion and speed. He would then mention about the new location where testing the armor would take place. It would be in a recently discovered system of caves near the church of Humilem Village. Unfortunately the cave system is more like an infestation than just having a few ghouls, nosferatu, and remnants of the vampire cult, but there is a slightly more powerful common villager vampire in charge of that area. An option will be given to either wear the armor or not before the battles begin.


If the armor is worn during the final battle, it will make the fight easier due to the high defense and resistance, but once the battle is done, Mila won't be able to remove the armor, thinking that the last battle warped part of the armor, preventing removal.Once she returns, she tells Lance that his armor was amazing, although she cant get it off for some reason. A female vampire would then enter, “It is amazing armor isn’t  it? I must thank you for wiping out that upstart and those lesser vampires for me… saved me the trouble of doing so myself.” Mila realizes that she has been thrown into a trap as the vampire tosses a liquid onto her, causing the armor to release a fleshy parasite that begins to play with her body and eventually, enters her unguarded orifices.

Mila attempts to resist, but she is utterly helpless in the armor. Mila is violated until she climaxes, feeding the parasite enough to fuse most of the armor to all of her body, but her head. She is now a slave to the parasitic armor obeying each of the commands given to her by the vampiress, who controls the parasite. Mila then spends the rest of her days blissfully obeying her mistress, offering the armor to as many warriors as she can to continue spreading the parasite to others.


Mila refuses to wear the armor and completes the fight without assistance. When she returns she must fight the vampiress who controls the armor. Defeating her causes Lance to weep for his fallen mistress, but the last of the armor is destroyed..


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