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2.3 is pretty much complete! I've sent a build to my testers and I'm going back and forth with them to polish up any issues they find before I officially release it! Expect to see 2.3 available for all my Patrons in just a couple of days! I can't wait for you all to try out the beginning of this new vampire story route!

Also, I want to let everyone know now that there will be no update next week (12/29/19). I will be having family over for the holidays and I'm going to be spending it with them. I've got ideas in place for sketches I want to do for the next update, but I haven't gotten around to drawing anything yet, so I should have something for you when I return on 1/5/20. 

I hope you all enjoy your holiday season however you decide to spend it and have a wonderful new year!


chris leiterman

Can't wait to check it out, but take the time you need with your family & properly finishing it first. Time with family on the holiday takes priority. Hope you have a Marry Christmas & an awesome new year.


I can't wait!