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All art is done... Well almost. I'm currently in the process of coloring the last piece that needs to get done for this update. This week I dedicated to scripting the events and dialogue. Since this is the start of an entirely new path, there's quite a bit I needed to write and explain to the player. The opening bit has a fair bit of dialogue to get through before you are out in the world and can start playing for real, but there are some scenes with full illustrations to spice up these more wordy parts. Once you are out into the world, you'll have the option to immediately begin hunting in The Rotten Grove,  or visit the two towns.

An order of strong vampire hunters dedicate themselves to protecting the citizens in the evening. They patrol the streets and if they spot you, they will call for reinforcements and attack you! All of the hunters in town will be alerted to you and will chase you until you leave town! Attempting to attack hunters in towns is a VERY BAD IDEA!

They will even attempt to corner you and leave you with no hope of escape! Be aware of your surroundings so that they don't trap you like they did to me!

You may be a vampire, but your new powers are weak and with so many enemies, you will most certainly be overwhelmed!

Other than observant vampire hunters, most NPCs that are awake at night will not notice your undead features and you will be able to speak to them normally. Don't be reckless and do something that will give away your true nature!

Next, I want to give you all a bit of a road map for the next few updates. Let me start with a bit of disappointing news: I'm going to delay the user submitted quest until the following update. I didn't realize how much work I would have to do to get this new path running properly. There is a lot I needed to update and write and obviously all the art assets take a ton of time too. I really want to have this update out before the end of the year and if I include the additional quest, I don't think it will be done in time. I'm very sorry to all who were looking forward to playing this sooner, especially to the contest winner, but know that I just want to make sure your quest is properly done and doesn't feel rushed.

Now that I have that out of the way, let me talk about the road map. Next update following the vampire route will be a smaller one. It will include the previously mentioned user submitted quest and I will be doing another contest for a second quest.  I hope to get that update done in half the time that this one is taking me. 

Following that, I think it's time that I return to the main story again. I've gotten a lot of cool ideas added into the game from the community, but I think it's time to return to the core story and expand the world a bit more. This update will focus entirely on just the story chapter, so I will not be doing a quest contest.  I hope you look forward to the next chapter of Mila's story!

After that, I have something a little different planned, but I think you all will like it. This is a smaller idea I've thought up recently and I think will make for a nice quick update. It's going to be a short, self contained story. I think it's pretty neat since it will let you see certain story events through a certain other character's eyes. Of course there will be a few spicy scenes thrown in as well! Who is this character? All I will say is that it's a character that has already been introduced. I'll leave the rest to your own speculation...

That's it for this update! See you all next week!!



Oh the plan for the coming updates sounds fantastic. I really like the vampire path and I hope to see some more in the future.