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Today is the deadline for user submitted contract ideas. Were you able to get yours done in time? If not, there is always next update. I will be looking over all the ideas and posting 4 of them for you to vote on within the comings days, so look forward to that. I'm about to catch a flight to D.C. to visit family. I will not be able to work on Crimson Veil much during this week, but I do have something pre-planned for next week's update, so don't worry.

It's been a bit of a slower week for me. Motivation hasn't been it's highest. Sometimes I just stare at the screen with my eyes glazing over and it's difficult to get any work done. As I am writing this, I do feel rejuvenated. I've been working on map design, since my head is not into making art at the moment. There are quite a few maps that need to get done in this update... Why? I will be letting you know in an upcoming update.

Today I also want to share with you another new enemy type being added in. Check this out: 

It's... a vampire hunter! Hmmm...? But why would we be fighting off other vampire hunters? Shouldn't they be our allies? Stay tuned!


chris leiterman

I know the feeling of staring blankly at the screen instead of working on your project. For my WIP (Work In Progress) fanfic may currently be a little over 200 pages (a third of the pages made up of pics and blank spaces), but two-thirds of my fic is still in my head. For hunters being enemies I'd either assume that they are under control by someone/something, its some kind of test, or they are a rival hunters guild (possibly viewing nocterna as a corrupted guild). Though one interesting thing would be if Dhampir get mixed in with hunters in some way. I know one side story/arc I'd add to crimson veil if I could involves a Male Dhampir, powerful artifacts that once belonged to his dead vampire father, & him trying to keep them out of the hands of vampires while being cautious of who he can trust.