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The ground work for the next update has been laid out and I have started expanding the map for the Rotten Grove. I haven't yet decided at what level this new expanded area will be accessible yet. Three quests in the next update will take place in this new location, so I have my work cut out for me to make this new area feel significant. I did begin working on some new art today, but I had a bit of an art block and have left some of it unfinished... This is frustrating, but it happens from time to time (its happened on a bunch of previous pieces I've made for this game). I'm sure many artists out there can understand.

Related to the unfinished art, I want to give you guys an early peak at some art I will be adding in a future update. It won't be in 2.2 or 2.3 (maybe) as I have intended for it to be a higher difficulty area. The thing is... I just really want to draw the bad endings to these scenes so much! When I have an idea that I just want to get on paper, I produce my best work! So anyways, on to the unfinished sketch:

Please forgive the shitty quality sketch lol.  So some players may have noticed a mansion to the south east of the overworld that is currently inaccessible.  This is an area I plan on adding themed around more classical style vampires. Think Dracula, basically. Exploring a castle, finding a room full of coffins, meeting a count, becoming a bride, all that good stuff. The thing is, I have a lot of ideas I want to get out of this, so this area may take up an entire update on its own. I'm a big fan of those kinds of vampire stories, and I want to add scenarios like that to Crimson Veil.

I do have a question however. As I stated before, this area would be filled with higher leveled enemies that you wouldn't be expected to be able to defeat. Would you still be interested in exploring the area even though you are most certainly going to meet your doom? These would be very powerful vampires and they will overpower you. You would be entering this area begging to be turned, but maybe that's okay with all of you? I'll make a poll to gauge interest, just to be sure. Anyway, that's all for today! See you again next week!



If you were to make a new area with vampires that could easily overpower you, I would suggest that you don't have it as a throwaway for a bad end, or simply to swap the character over to a vampire and make them a bride or a mindless servant in the mansion. It would be far more interesting if the player could also have the chance at a story line where Mila was caught and is then brainwashed into becoming a field/sleeper agent for the vampires without being turned. This would allow her to continue in the main story line, but would also give her a second base that the players could go to to pick up missions and interact with other characters. If she got far enough along that side story, then the player could get the option to become turned and become a bride. This would also allow you to add some interesting quirks to other areas of the game. She could be programmed to become triggered by a key phrase or symbol that would allow other vampires to take control of her in the field, or to send her notes with instructions that she would be forced to carry out. Of course, you could have her fellow hunters find out about it eventually and deprogram her. This would happen when she is high enough level to go back and actually fight all the vampires at the mansion. Anyway just an idea that came to mind, I hope you guys like it.


Its a cool idea, but may have to be something that is added in an update down the line. Its a feature that would require a lot of future proofing and fore thought to get right. Programming wise, Is like to keep this area simple for now, with room for expansion in the future.