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Idea 1

"Just in the nick of Slime"

 She has asked if any one can help find their daughter who has vanished hunting Slimes in a nearby Forrest. The Father is confident she is alright and simply taking her time to get back but the mother is worried and wants you to investigate as she has never been gone this long before. You enter the Forrest and encounter a lot more Slimes than usual (a good way to make a bit of money) at the end of a winding path you encounter the Daughters Bow she uses for hunting on the floor covered in a "purple" slime.   

Option 1:  (Bad Ending)

You continue on and eventually find the Daughter covered in the Purple slime, converting before your eyes in to a beautiful Purple Slime Girl. She begs you to help her but you can do nothing as her transformation completes. Knowing theres nothing to be done you engage in combat to put her out of her misery.  If you lose you are converted as well into one of the mindless Purple Slime Girls but if you win she dissolves leaving nothing behind. You return to the family and hand back her bow to her father and mother. they weep for their daughter and eventually thank you for putting her out of her pain. 

Option 2:  (Good Ending)

You decide to take the bow and purple slime back to the Father who recognises it as an incredibly rare and aggressive Purple Slime who has incredible mutagenic powers, he says if one has got hold of his daughter only a special antidote can save her which he whips up for you and asks you to use on her. You return to the Forrest and find her fully transformed converting another girl into one of her. You rescue the other girl and the two of you battle. If you lose you are converted into a mindless slime girl like her but if you win you use the antidote before she devolves. Confused and fully naked she stands before you but she is alive. You take her back to the Farm to which you are rewarded greatly for saving her from her slimy fate.

Idea 2

“Alraune Corruption”

Mila ventures further into the corrupted forest near the monastery. As she ventures deeper, she begins to notice that the trees are looking more sickly and some have even died. Just then, a sweet aroma guides her to an Alraune/Plant girl looking monster who pleads with her to help her cleanse the forest of its recent corruption. She claims that the forest was once home to many more of her kind, which are known to be a peaceful race, despite the fact that most people still view them as monsters in need of purging.

(Bad end)

If Mila declines the Alraune's offer, she can either choose to purge the plant girl herself, or walk away and leave her to her fate (which instigates to Alraune to attack and convert her out of desperation) both of these decisions lead Mila to a bad end where she is converted and assists her new sister in saving the forest.

(Good end)

Mila accepts the offer, and seeks out the source of the corruption. which she discovers is some of the remaining vampire cultists. The cultists intend to wipe the forest of its purity and attempt to try and convert the last Alraune into a vampire/plant hybrid, which they plan on using to quickly attack and convert the nearby towns. Fight ensues. Mila returns to the plant girl, who is overjoyed that she has succeeded and has already begun the process of healing the forest. She offers Mila the chance to join her as a sister in the new garden paradise she has helped to save, offering her a new peaceful life and claiming that its only right that the hero of the forest get her reward. If Mila accepts, she is converted, but if she declines, the Alraune reluctantly gives her a few stat plants and offers her the chance to come back any time to take her up on the offer. 

(Alternate Ending)

If Mila keeps speaking with the Alraune and declines the offer three times, on the fourth attempt, she will be unable to resist the Alraune due to the Alraune's aphrodisiac pollen whittling away at her resistance. The Alraune almost feels bad about the fact that she took away Mila's free will by accident, but her lust for Mila overcomes her and she obliges Milas overwhelming desire to be with her. 

Idea 3

“Gorgon Corruption”

You are asked with rescuing a woman who has been kidnapped. You find statues along a path that look like beautiful women and are leading to a mansion. When you enter you see it is filled with maids and the mistress of the manor. She offers you a bed for the night but you feel uneasy and wake up to see lamia/naga (maids) coming for you. Fights happen and you find the woman you need to rescue is slowly turning to stone. She tells you that there is an anti petrification potion somewhere in the mansion. To obtain it, you must defeat the gorgon mistress and her lamia/naga maids.

(Bad end)

Mila is turned to stone by the gorgon mistress and joins the other statues, becoming a part of her special collection. You may also choose to join her instead of fighting her and be turned into one of her lamia maids.

If you lose to maids you will you will be turned to stone and broken.

(Good end)

Mila rescues the woman turning into stone, receiving an accessory that helps prevent status effects.



aw, my escort quest didn't make it :/ Still, Alraune and Slimegirl sound pretty good