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Crimson Veil version 2.1 will be released for everyone to play on 7/28/19.  All of my patrons have access to download the game right now!! What are you waiting for?! Go download it!! 

My focus on this update was world building. My intent is to put the building blocks in place for parts that will need to be expanded in the future now to cut down on the time I will need to create it later. The new eastern side of the overworld is pretty barren,  but will be filled out through further updates. It may look jarring, but I just didn't want to include any points of interest in the overworld if there was no way to interact with them. Mor Town has been greatly expanded. There are more items to pick up by exploring the town which should help players who may be having difficulty with earlier parts of the game. There's also plenty of fun interactions to see with NPCs and objects, so I hope players will interact with all sorts of things in the world to find them.

The real meat of the expansion will be the two new quests available to you. the first quest will be available at the start of chapter 2, while the second quest will be available after you return from the events of chapter 2. These are shorter than the main story quests, but I hope you will enjoy them nonetheless. I had a blast writing these quests. It really got my creative juices flowing the whole time and I just could not stop putting in new ideas, as they were constantly coming to me. I'm particularly looking forward to hearing your reactions to the Succubus side quest, so please be sure to let me know! :)

As with every update moving forward, unfortunately save data compatibility will be an issue for players returning from previous versions.  I apologize for this pretty major inconvenience, but as far as I can tell, that's just how it goes when releasing a game in parts like this. If anyone knows of a way to future proof saves for players moving to newer versions, please let me know.

As always, thanks so much for playing and caring about my game. It means the world to me and it is thanks to you that I am so motivated to make this game into a treasure the whole community can enjoy!



Loved the new Succubus quest. the little sleep world was well thought out and implemented. though the end left me a little sad. I hope we get to track down that Succubus and take revenge in a future update XD


So far, I've only finished the succubus contract, but I wanted to share my thoughts. First off, it's great! This is coming from someone who's #1 kink is succubus transformation, so bias and all. The writing for this section is particularly good, though, and each of the conclusions feels satisfying. The dream sequence in particular is the perfect amount of creepy! Though, the number of options we're given during the dream sequence feels a little overwhelming. To me, there's a perception that I need to select every combination of choices so I can watch every possible resolution... that's a lot of choices! You might consider trimming the decision trees a little. As for the transformation sequence itself, succubus!Mila is beautiful and I'd love to play a section of game with her, kind of like the vamp!Mila ending. I do have one suggestion regarding the transformation, though... maybe have it as a process instead of all at once? Like, she gets the tattoo first, then horns and ears, then wings, and then the process completes... or something like that. It can still be contained within the same scene, of course! We don't usually have an opportunity to watch a transformation actually happen since vamp transformations consist of dying and waking up as a vamp sometime later :p So this would be a good opportunity to really indulge! Absolutely love it though, and I'm going to start playing through the rest of the update now!


I'm glad you enjoyed it! I could expand upon this art and reuse it for a later quest, since Aeriseth will return at a later time.