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Contract Contest #10 - Round 2 - Vote 1

  • Something Familiar About Her 27
  • The Magical Lamp 18
  • 2024-05-12
  • —2024-05-14
  • 45 votes
{'title': 'Contract Contest #10 - Round 2 - Vote 1', 'choices': [{'text': 'Something Familiar About Her', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'The Magical Lamp', 'votes': 18}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 14, 21, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 12, 22, 56, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 45}


3. Title: Something Familiar About Her

By: Rosen King

While searching for a servant who's gone missing from the manor, Mila spots a raven who seems to be mimicking someone calling out to a pet.  She tries to follow the raven, but loses track of it at a crossroads.  However, a cat approaches her from the shadows, and transforms into a humanoid form.  Mila prepares to fight, but the cat girl begs for Mila's help.  Her name is Luna, and she used to be the familiar of a witch named Dorothy, but she was kicked out of her home. Now the witch has begun searching for a replacement familiar and ensorcelling women in the area, both human and otherwise.  Those who are rejected as familiars are kept as hypnotized thralls who guard her lair. Luna knows she won't be taken back, but is concerned that her mistress's search will put her in conflict with a nearby vampire lair, which turns out to be Dorian's manor.   Since Luna's bond with her mistress has been severed, she can only take her humanoid form at the crossroads where Dorothy first became a witch, unless she takes a new mistress in the same place.  In exchange for Mila's promise to keep Dorothy safe from harm, Luna offers to become her familiar. 

As they approach the witch's lair, Luna explains that she was once a normal cat with a loving owner, Dorothy. But Dorothy made a pact with a dark power to become a witch, and Luna was given a human form so she could be her owner's familiar and lover. She didn't mind that Dorothy seemed to love her dark mistress more than her, but their relationship became strained and Luna lashed out at the demon(?), angering it.  Dorothy abandoned Luna in an attempt to appease the demon, though Luna assumed this was because the demon was controlling Dorothy's heart.

Mila navigates the woods to Dorothy's lair, aided by the raven calling her towards the right path just as it had before, calling her a "good girl" when she follows. They find the witch preparing a potion that will be part of a ritual to renew her contract with her mistress, though she's still waiting for a suitable familiar. Mila fights and defeats her, but a shadow descends on the area and takes on a vaguely feminine form with glowing eyes.  It mocks Dorothy's weakness and moves to attack her, but Mila intervenes and fights it.

Bad Ending: If Mila is defeated at any point, Dorothy thanks Luna for finding the perfect new familiar.  Luna is reluctant at first, but quickly gives in to Dorothy's headpats and helps prepare her spell.  Mila is transformed into Dorothy's new catgirl familiar, and Luna is allowed to stay with them as a pet.

Good Ending:  Mila defeats the shadow, who seems to smirk before fading away.  Dorothy feels her magic fading and cries out for her mistress not to abandon her.  Mila chastises Dorothy for her hypocrisy, but Luna tries to comfort her. Mila is suddenly scratched by the raven, who then perches on the cauldron and once more calls out as if summoning a pet.  Mila takes the hint and adds her blood to the cauldron, offering to make a covenant with the witch.  They travel back to the crossroads and perform a ritual that binds Dorothy to Mila's dark power, restoring her magic.  Dorothy apologizes to Luna, saying she was right when she told the demon(?) that Dorothy deserved a better mistress who would be there to love her in person. She thanks Mila for being that mistress, but Mila tells her that a good servant is as important as a good mistress, and she should be more grateful for her two loyal familiars. Dorothy is confused, saying that a common witch can only have one familiar. The raven watches from afar, murmuring one last "Good girl" before smirking and fading into the shadows.

4. Title:The Magical Lamp

By: Frostcore

Eve notifies Mila that a Vampire Hunter named Nina survived Mila’s attack on Humilem village and that she escaped with a magical artifact that is supposed to give the owner a lot of power. Hearing this, Mila decides to hunt down the Hunter so that she can take the artifact for herself. Eve tells her that the vampire hunter fled towards the ruins of Ilbrook. In the ruins she finds a suspicious looking tent. In it she finds the Vampire Hunter dancing for a woman, while wearing an oriental harem outfit. The Woman introduces herself as Neessa, a genie. She explains that she was sealed inside the artifact, a lamp, and that she was the so-called power the Vampire Hunter stole, and that the Hunter planned to use the power of the genie to cleanse Humilem Village from the vampires.

She further explains that Nina made the mistake to put her lamp down after freeing her, so that she no longer had to obey her and turned her into her personal dancer. She tells Mila that now that she is free, she will obey no one ever again and that she will turn Mila into another dancer for her. Following this she first sends Nina against Mila, followed by her attacking Mila personally.

Bad End

Should Mila lose against either Nina or Neessa, Neessa will magically change Mila’s dress into another harem outfit, before brainwashing her into being her obedient servant.

Good End

After defeating both Nina and Neessa, Mila forces Neessa back into the lamp. She then grabs the lamp and Neessa comes out again, this time forced to recognize Mila as her Mistress. She explains to Mila that after losing to her, she must obey her commands and that she can restore Mila magic, but because the lamp got damaged during their fight, she can’t use all her power and will only be able to assist her once during a battle. The quest ends with Neessa saying that they should take care of the last loose end and grabs Nina, who is just beginning to wake up. Neessa holds her from behind, so that Mila can bite her. After the quest, vampire Nina should be found walking around Humilem Village.


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