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Hello again everyone! As I stated last week, starting today, I will be taking submissions for Contract Contest #10! 

Do you have an awesome, sexy idea you'd like to see added to the game? This could be your chance!

Is there a new Pet you’d want to see added into the game? A new spell, ability, or item for Mila to acquire! The possibilities for your quest are vast! You’ve got one week to come up with a wild suggestion!

I will be selecting 8 of my favorite ideas, and my patrons will be narrowing it down to just 1 to be adapted. You can even submit an idea you made for a previous contest! Just be sure that it follows the revised rules!  The updated rules will are posted on the link below:

Contract Contest Rules

Please be sure that each of you send your submissions to the following email:


I look forward to seeing your responses!


Assassin Zero

Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! Also, that Bianca animation is too cute!


I am really looking forward to what will make it this time into the game. The last few quests were great. Btw, this Bianca Gif is just to sweet. ^^