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Another big task off the To-Do list this week! The previously mentioned Slime Queen quest has now been fully implemented into the game! Going into this update, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do with the new slimegirl content, aside from just really wanting to include it. I mostly had loose ideas and a character design to go with. This week I sat down to think about how I could differentiate this quest from the ongoing slime quest of the main route!

This quest is slightly more involved than going around whacking slimegirls for jellies. After obtaining the quest, discovering Queen Oozora’s location, and then defeating her, you’ll gain access to a new area which you will be able to frequent throughout the course of the game. The Sticky Arena!

Indeed, this is an arena in which you are pitted against three randomly assigned Slimegirls. You can fight as many as you want or none at all, but defeating all three will yield a random prize! These range from all manner of slime jelly, to exclusive optional equipment for your party!

Seeing as you can use this arena as often as you like (for a paltry fee) this is also another excellent location to work on improving your bond level with your Pets!

Each of these slimy warriors is matched with your current level, much like with Ophelia, so depending on when you choose to tackle this quest, these lesser slimes could wind up stronger than the Queen! Watch your back, because anyone defeated in the arena is added to the Queen’s slimy collective…

I have the full version of this illustration currently up on my patreon for all $5 and up members! 

With that last bit of content behind me, it's just about time for me to do another playthrough and check that everything works and my goal for this week is to send a copy of the update to testers. The time for release is fast approaching. I hope you’re all looking forward to it!

That’s all I’ve got for you this week. Until next time, everyone!



The anticipation is wild XD