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Finally was able to sit down and brainstorm some ideas for a comic. Currently have two ideas:

  • First idea is set in space and it follows a new hire for a mechanic/engineer position on the Zemke space station-- which sees a lot of traffic as it's the last port before a long journey to the next habitable planetary system.
    First day on the new job doesn't go very smooth as the new hire and his senior coworker find themselves in a 'hard' situation.  
  •  Second idea is set in a fantasy setting with both human and anthro characters. Story follows Aspen (human) an apothecaries apprentice & Corrin a newly appointed watchman for the city. Corrin & Aspen keep bumping into one another for various reasons & eventually become friends.
    - the particulars of what Corrin does (watchman) is still up in the air atm. I have a few other ideas and I'm trying to workout which would work best. 

Not really an either/or situation with these ideas. I'll probably get around to both of them eventually.




Glad it isn't either or cuz both ideas are great!


donkey guy lookin real cute in his space mechanic uniform <3


A donk with glasses? 👀