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Training for what tho??? (Perhaps to be revealed in a future picture.)
I still want to mess with the look of the pattern on the characters, green one in particular BUT I'm sorta 'over' working on this image. Started it before the hurricane that took out my power for several days so I lost all my momentum on it. 

No idea what 'species'. Don't really care to think of things like that when I make characters anymore. I just wanna draw something aesthetically pleasing to me without worrying about 'what's right'. Thus we have these shortstacks. These little fuck dumplings. I have an idea in my head for a blue one to go with these two. Might draw her next.  

Perhaps whatever they are the females are quite small compared to the males. I imagine if that were the case the gals would have to have a pretty large vagina. Hence why the one on the right in particular is pretty plump. :3




Perhaps the whole 'species' thing is just the results generations of inter-species breeding (heh) creating neat looking people.