Corrin's dick got bigger/how it happened. (Patreon)
I'm sort of drawing inspiration from Brandon Sanderson's feruchemy, which I wont go into too many details, but one of the things it can do is allow an individual to increase their strength by making them bigger. So I'm sorta taking that idea here and thinking, that if instead of it being a form of magic, what if it was something that you could make & then apply to yourself.
For example: If you were to consume the substance it would make your entire body bigger/stronger, but if you were to simply apply it locally it would only work on what it came into contact with making it bigger temporarily.
Of course, from a worldbuilding perspective I can see this having major consequences. Wouldn't everyone who ever got in a fight use it? That would make it kinda lame. Now I haven't thought too much on this, but I suppose an easy way to get around this problem would be to make digestible form hard to come by or produce & make the topical form more common.
That said, this could all just be for fun & not something I really want in my world. :3
Here is another version.