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Sending out the links for June! sorry for the delay in content but i assure you its coming!

sort of plateaued with the drive but taking it as a grace period to take it easy and work on other things. so dont worry we will get there eventually :>

as for whats on the timeline we have some Belated-Mommy-Goodness with Mrs. Incredible! as well as a Summer Poll that will be up later this week!

Thats it for now, so you no the drill. See you all in a bit :D

Also seems some people might still have issues with the April 2024 folder. If others could check it in the Archive if they also have issues then i'll try and fix it.

if you have just joined or didn't receive the links at the start of the month please leave a comment or message me on Patreon and i will send you the link to this months drive!

The 'Archive' Folder can be found on my Patreon Membership page attached to the thank you note!



June C

aw you didn't have to send them out just for lil ol' me uwu