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Yeah, that was something that happened in the anime, wasn't it?

Honestly, I do not think I am ready to be a father.

I pity the child who would have a mentally disturbed psychopath like me as their father. And as someone who is PLENTY experienced in having a less-than-pleasant older male figure in life, I do not want to put a child through that.

Well, of course, I would try to be a good father if I was put in the position but I don't trust myself.

"Not that I particularly mind the implications but, why?" I was actually curious, I didn't really care to remember why she wanted to do that in the anime.

"I never got to experience my womanhood when I was in the church. And I want to make up for that. I want to have a child with you, I am sure our children would become very strong since you are their fa- ow!" Xenovia held onto her reddened nose after I flicked her nose. She glared at me with an expression that screamed 'why!?' as I let out a sigh.

"You are rushing things too fast, idiot. Don't just randomly decide to have a child just because you want to experience "womanhood". Seriously, do you get down the stairs by jumping down them or something? I should have Shuri educate you on the problems of what you just said."

On one hand, I can understand her logic from her perspective. But on the hand, her logic is fucking stupid.

Honestly, her reasons for wanting a child being "I want to feel what its like to be a woman" and "our child would be really strong" are only just a few notches above "I want to adopt my sister's child ONLY so I can get child support money from the government".

"But... if you do want to experience what it's like to be a woman(or whatever the fuck you mean by that) I can show you."

Xenovia nodded seriously making me smile.

I had a lot of pent-up sexual frustration to deal with after all.

~~~~~~{r18 Start!}~~~~~~

I grabbed Xenovia's hand, teleporting us both to my room. Boy, I really did miss sex, I haven't had it in a while and I had a lot of stress to work through. As I was thinking about how to do this I noticed that Xenovia had already stripped down to her panties, baring her large yet perky breasts to the world.

"Well, someone is certainly eager aren't they?" I teased to hide the surprise in my voice as Xenovia turned back to me without an ounce of shame.

"Yes, I certainly am. I was looking forward to having your child Akira. Am I doing this right?"


...Alright then. If anything at least she is certainly honest.

This is the first time I have seen someone this straightforward, so much so that I am weirded out. But whatever, hot girl is hot girl. I am barely restraining the giant snake in my pants as is.

Scratch that, apparently I am not as Xenovia's gaze was firmly fixed on the large tent straining against my pants. I made no effort to hide it as Xenovia looked at it in fascination.

"Well? Are you just going to stare at it or are you going to do something about it?" At my words, it was as if a lightbulb had gone off on Xenovia's head.

"Right, you want me to give you a blowjob right?" yeah.

"You know what a blowjob is?" I said as Xenovia got on her knees in front of me. Her soft breasts smooshed up against my legs as she pulled my trousers down, letting my dragon free, she stared at it in awe before pulling her head back and grasping me by the shaft, despite being a swordsman her hands were somehow still soft.

"Yep, this is my first time so I'm sorry if I can't do it properly. *Om*" Saying that Xenovia took my head into her mouth, her soft and slimy mouth felt heavenly, slowly she started taking my dick further and further,  as if she was born for this she managed to not gag even after taking my entire monster into her.

And then she bobbed her head back and forth, my penis sliding in and out of her mouth slimy wet caress repeatedly. To make this better for her I recreated my eromancy and started casting arouse on her as well as stimulating her nipples and clit making her moan on my cock bringing a whole different feeling that made my legs weak.

Xenovia had a lot of sexual stamina I could tell you that, she kept sucking my dick, her tongue sliding across my shaft and circling around the head of my cock. I used my hands to guide her head better as I started thrusting with her head too. Hearing her moan louder I knew she was into it.

It did not take me too long thanks to the built-up sexual frustration I had to blow my load. I grabbed Xenovia and thrust inside her as she got the message and sucked even more fervently as I blew my load inside of her mouth.

My penis was like a fountain of cum that sprayed down her throat for a solid her seconds before I pulled out and sprayed the rest on her face, covering it in my jizz. Xenovia closed her eyes and swallowed before looking at me in surprise.

"*Gasp* * Huff* That... tasted surprisingly nice?" Yeah, for some reason my nut juice does taste good. Probably because this body was pure vitality.

"Now for your turn." Xenovia's eyes widened again as I picked her up like a feather and laid her on my bed. My phallus stood tall and proud again within seconds as I stored Xenovia's underwear and she looked at me with flushed cheeks.

[Xenovia's Panties]

+5% Bladed weapon damage

"You can go rough on me. I won't mind." That was all the confirmation I needed to line my dick with her gushing pussy and slide it in, there wasn't much resistance as my penis smoothly slid inside, there was a little blood but Xenovia only grimaced for a second before she nodded.

"Akira. Breed me!" Raising her legs up I withdrew my penis before thrusting forward with my hips drawing a high-pitched moan from Xenovia who made no attempt to suppress her moans, I started thrusting my hips a steady pace, my dick sliding in and out of her slimy and tight pussy repeatedly as my hands reached out for her breasts and started massaging them.


My hands started skillfully tweaking her nipples, I teased, pulled and twisted them just enough to not cause pain but instead pleasure to her. Xenovia's hands gripped the sheets tight enough to tear them as she climaxed over and over.

*Kyaaaah!* Do it Akira! Fill me up!"

Eventually, I started thrusting harder and emptied myself inside of her inside of her, my thick milk flooding her insides as Xenovia twitched violently before I pulled out, my semes gushing out of her hole as Xenovia's hips twitched still.

"Xenovia, now that I remember, I never really did punish for being that arrogant right?" Hearing my words a chill ran up Xenovia's spine as she gave me a nervous smile and pleading eyes as I plunged my fingers into her pussy and grabbed a handful of cum as Xenovia squirted all over me from the stimulation before I used the cum from her pussy shoved my fingers in her asshole, using it as lube as I lined my dick and shoved it all the way in.

"Aaaaaah~~!" Xenovia climaxed hard as my dick went all the way in with a strong thrust lifting her slightly up the bed before I pinned both of her unresisting arms next to her and started thrusting hard into her anus which had just recently lost its virginity.

The bed under us squeaked in exertion, the springs almost giving out from how hard I pounded her tight ass, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she squealed from my dick reaching her deepest depths.

I pumped harder and harder into before I let another wave of spunk into her, filling her up to the brim. I stayed sheathed in her with my cum filling her insides for a solid minute before pulling out and letting the plug keeping it all in spill out, staining the bed.

Now that I had pulled out Xenovia had a stupid smile on her face as she panted deeply. But looking at the sight of her with my seed leaking out of both of her holes made my dragon rise again.

"I guess it's time for round 3."


After a few more rounds I was finally satisfied, on the bed was Xenovia, having come into a cum come with my cum basically staining her entire body.

Ahh~ that felt great. Finally, I feel like I am on top of my game again.

~~~~~~{r18 End.}~~~~~~

Leaving Xenovia to recover I finally decided to go back to school. Why hadn't I done this before? Well, I needed some time to gather my thoughts and I could sense the energy signatures of the red fucker and silver whore, the masters of arriving late and causing inconvenience after inconvenience. And even Serafall was there for some reason. Thankfully the silver cunt had left only leaving red and blue there.

I suppose I couldn't avoid them forever and Rias and the others probably needed to see my face as well. And I also kind of miss Rias and the others as well.

Seeing as the only energy signatures in the OR club were actually the Occult Research Club I decided to drop in by teleporting into the room without any regard for the door whatsoever like a devil would.

"Guess who!" I exclaimed with a smile on my face as everyone looked at me blankly, making me feel a bit awkward.

'Man, I feel like Yuji after he met everyone after he died.'

That was obviously before.

*Thump!* *Cough!*

A force slammed into my chest, it was so sudden that I was caught off guard. Knocking me on my ass. I looked a bit down to see red covering my vision, Rias was hugging me tight enough that it almost hurt. I could feel my ribs straining.

"Hey, Rias." I felt a bit awkward right now. How does one even handle this situation? Man maybe if I invested in some charisma I could actually navigate my personal relationships.

"Don't hey me, you idiot. You nearly died. Don't do that ever again." Hearing her muffled voice with her face smushed up against my face I scratched my head, I must have really spooked her with my stunt it seems.

"Sorry, I will try to not get Cadre'd next time. But you should have really seen the other guy." Seeing this interaction the rest of the peerage smiled at us. I could tell they also wanted in on the Akira hugging action but they let Rias have her moment.

"*Snort* stop acting so smart." Rias poked my nose with her finger while smiling fondly. I smiled back at her too.

I was back.

A/N: It's been a bit since I have last done a lemon chapter, what did you guys think about this one?

Sorry for the late upload, I was dealing with some family issues, thanks for understanding.

NEXT UP: A Soulsborne's Traveler System(That's right, it isn't dead yet)


Rolando Mejia



Welcome back, and ty for the chapter