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A/N: Hey guys, Bronz here. Unfortunately, I am currently dealing with some IRL things at the moment so the next chapter will be delayed until Sunday. Thanks for understanding.

But to not leave you guys dry I decided to publish an Omake that has been sitting on the back burner. Hope you enjoy!

~~~~~~Takes place right after the Riser Fight~~~~~~

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♦ Topic: Riser Beatdown

In: Boards ► Rating Games ► Riser vs Rias

DemonicallyInspired (Original Poster) (Verified High-Class Devil) (King)

↳I think I do not need to explain what went down in the most recent rating game between the heiress of the Gremory family and Riser Phenex.

Just for those out of the loop here is a 4k HD video of it.


For the first time since basically forever a human was allowed to join a semi-formal rating game between the heiress of the Gremory family and Riser Phenex held to decide Rias' engagement to him.

It has been confirmed by a member of the Sona Sitri peerage that Akira the local Kuoh necromancer is actually a human and not some secret half-devil offspring or some freak genetic experiment.

And this human was able to absolutely demolish Riser in a never-seen-before brutal beatdown.

►LargeShot (Rook)

Holy fuck, humans actually got that strong!? I swear I have been doing contracts for 3 years now and the strongest I have seen was barely a low-class schmuck. Now I am kinda afraid the next call I answer will be with a man like that wanting a piece of my ass.

►SloppyHoppy (Pawn)

Don't worry, they usually don't, and those that do definitely can find asses far better than yours. But I don't get you. I for one would definitely offer my ass to our new hot stud necromancer overlord. They don't get much hotter than that.

►Tugger (Bishop)

Damn, they be lettin just about anybody into a rating game these days.

►Mr.Massive (Queen)

Yeah and that "Anybody" just raw-dogged Riser so hard he had to beg to lose. Shut the fuck up you B-rate bishop. Don't talk shit if you aren't shit.


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↳Why the hell is no one talking about the fact that a NECROMANCER beat RISER PHENEX to submission with his BARE HANDS? That alone solidifies him as one of the stronger High-Classes before even becoming a devil.

►Purpur (Rook)

I know right? G0d I wish that were me. I would pay actual money to get abused by our necrodaddy.

►Gimbo (Yokai)

Ayo? Isn't he a highschooler?

►Purpur (Rook)

Daddy is a state of being age doesn't matter to it. Besides, if he is old enough to beat Phenex to death he is old enough for me.


Isn't he already taken? Last I remember you don't fight that hard for just a friend. And nobody here can compete with the sister of a satan.

►Grimnight (Rook) (Veteran)

↳On a more serious note though, can humans actually get that strong? I mean that is a human highschooler beating up a Phenex without a Longinus. And I don't think he is the descendant of a hero from what I care to remember.


↳ I am calling it, he is some freak experiment of Ajuka that he released onto the human world.

►TheBender2 (Bishop)

↳ I dunno man, this might just be another THE STRADA VIOLENCE OF HEAVEN case.

►FellFromGrace (Fallen Down)

↳ Oh Lucifer, please don't let it be another THE STRADA case. The strong old man was brutal enough. What the fuck are they feeding humans these days?

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►SpookyStrangler (Veteran)

Honestly, I am just surprised there isn't already fanfiction posted about the guy. How a single human can look that hot while beating someone to death escapes me.


You must be living under a rock then, because I have already found several. They are scarily well-written.


Holy shit there is already a fanfic about it!?

►BradCulling (Pawn)

Wtf already? They sure are fast.


Why am I surprised? Just what in Lucifer's name is wrong with this site?

►Purpur (Rook)

Does anyone have a link? For research purposes.

►LordMurderDeathKill (Oni)

Found it, along with somehow 10 more fanfics, G0d these people disgust me. LINK:

[Death x Rebirth]

By: TheGreatGizzler

[ Rating: Explicit | Word count: 34k+| Status: Ongoing ]

Synopsis: A tale of death and life. Riser's day was ruined, that dammed necromancer had taken away his fiancee from him and beaten him and humiliated him.

Yet why couldn't he get his stupid sexy body out of his mind!?

Commissioned by: Gov'na

►Greenbay (Knight)

Great, so Riser has not only been fucked physically, mentally and emotionally by Akira but now he has also been Butt and socially fucked by him. I know he wasn't really all that pleasant but poor guy.


Speak for yourself, he was a straight-up dickhead. This is what building your peerage as a harem instead of a peerage gets you, idiot. Bastard got drunk off his ass, destroyed my bar in a brawl, and told me to go fuck myself. So I will gladly watch him get dicked down.


Well, you can't spell necromancer without romancer ;)

►Gimbo (Yokai)

Brb, gonna bleach my eyes.



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Hey, uhh, I don't know if I am completely right but isn't he using Youjutsu there? When were humans able to use Youjutsu? Or is Necrodaddy just built different?

►FootLicker8 (Certified Kappa Moment)

I dunno man, I am a yokai that has been around and I can say with almost certainty that isn't Youjutsu. No symbols no nothing.

►ToeSucker2 (Certified Kappa Moment)

Yeah and last I checked there isn't any Yokai that looks that handsome. In all likelihood, Necrodaddy was probably born with some insane bloodline ability like the devil folks.

►DevilishlyHandsome (Verified High-Class Devil)

From what I remember there haven't been humans with bloodline abilities ever. Most likely this is some never seen before sacred gear or he is just that good at magic that we don't see what he is doing. For all we know, he could be Hades Junior.


Having seen enough and being satisfied I closed Devilchan.

As expected, hearing the people on the forums talking about how cool I was, shitting on Riser, and theorizing about me was something that felt unreal to me.

But damn did it tickle my ego in just the right way.

Now though, do I read it?

Do I dare read fanfiction about myself?

...Yeah you know what fuck it. I am simply far too curious. How bad can it be?






Wow, people really do have a lot of time on their hands.


[Dead to Lover]

By: PurpurThePink

[ Rating: Explicit | Word count: 66k+| Status: Ongoing ]

Synopsis: Never in your life did you imagine you would get resurrected from the dead. Even more so getting resurrected from the dead as a powerful undead by a... hot necromancer?

"U-umm Lord Akira, I don't think we should be doing this."

He inches closer to you, you could feel his breath on your skin it made your hairs stand on end. It smelled lightly of mint, was he planning on cornering you like this!?

"Why not? You are already mine aren't you?"

He inched ever closer, his handsome face inches away from yours sending shivers down your spine.

How were you going to survive your new unlife with a necromancer this dangerous?


I stand corrected.

It really can be that bad.

A/N: Writing the "Akira fanfiction" part caused me physical pain, I have binged through Wattpad before and experienced its... questionable sides. X reader stories are the bane of my existence.

On a more serious note, what did you guys think about this Omake? Did you like it? If you have other Omake ideas I would love to hear them.



hope everything else goes good for ya irl