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Akira and Azazel had left together on important business leaving Rias and the crow behind temporarily as they travelled back to Akira's house wordlessly, the elephant in the room following behind them.

Before long they were back in Akira's house, they sat opposite to each other in the living room.

Akira spoke before Azazel did, his deep voice rumbling.

"Kokabiel get us some tea." These words forced Azazel to acknowledge the elephant in the room. That being the rotting corpse of the former Cadre kneeling before the new Akira.

"My liege! I must regrettably inform you that I may not be very skilled in preparing tea." Hearing those words come out of Kokabiel's mouth just made Azazel's head spin, it was such a contrast to the Kokabiel he knew that his brain refused to acknowledge it.

And that made him far more curious about Akira's "technique", was this person really Kokabiel or a different person in place of him? But why ponder on the questions when he could ask the person in question right?

"Did I ask? Get us some tea." Azazel detected hints of irritation in Akira's voice, maybe it was still Akira in there. Currently, he was split between the person in front of him being either Akira or some being of great born from his corpse.

"Yes, my liege! I shall get to it at once." Saying that Kokabiel vanished into the kitchen, leaving both alone. Breaking the silence Azazel let out a chuck at the ridiculous situation.

"Wow, I can't believe that I would get to see Kokabiel acting that subservient in my lifetime. Speaking of Kokabiel, I suppose I should apologize." Akira's... eyebrow? well, at least a part of his seemingly malleable skull quirked up at that.

"After all, this all did happen because I did not manage to keep Kokabiel in line. So, I won't really hold it against you for executing him, hell, for what he tried to pull it was most likely prison for eternity in Cocytus for him anyway. Now, putting all the heavy stuff aside, what are you right now Akira?" Azazel decided to say it directly, beating around the bush wasn't useful here. He wanted to know what exactly he was in front of right now.

"What do you mean exactly? Elaborate."

"Did you become a god or something somehow? I am dying to know." Azazel's thirst for knowledge reared its head, he never really had a chance to study Akira's abilities in detail and now that Akira had seemingly become an Ultimate-Class being he wanted to know what exactly and how.

"Hahaha! Yeah, I should have guessed you would have reacted like that. Right, never mind the undead cadre in the room. Well, I guess I do owe you an answer for this shitshow. Your answer is you are close, or I guess I should say it's the opposite."

Now that the invisible tension in the room was finally broken Azazel's eyes shone with interest, his curiosity burning at what Akira meant by the opposite of a god.

"The opposite? Now I have to hear that, spill the beans, don't hold out on me now."

"Well, from what I know Gods get stronger through belief and worship. And I am the opposite of that. I am not a god exactly, the polar opposite more like. I am the Disaster of Death, the negativity of all things toward death made manifest. I am fueled by the negative emotions all beings hold toward the concept of death. That is why I would refer to myself as the opposite of a god."

Azazel fell into deep thought, he knew Akira wielded something called Cursed Energy from the conversations they had which he assumed was something similar to corrupted Ki in nature but now he felt he was wrong with that assumption.

He had never heard of something like a reverse god, or as Akira seems to refer to himself a disaster spirit. A being that converts the negativity of the world into energy and uses it to power itself. And which is also a being that embodies the concept of death, or as how Akira had described it, that people fear about death.


"So, about your new form. Is that permanent? Are you just stuck as a spirit? Does it still have the equipment? How does it feel to become an over 2-meter tall skeleton monster?" Azazel's gaze remained glued to Akira even as Kokabiel brought the mediocre tea into the room.

"Well, to answer all of your questions. I guess you could think of this as my "true form". Being in this form does feel a bit weird, it feels like being in a constant state of using your power. I can quite easily shift out of it too. In fact, let me just get comfortable for a second."

Akira placed a hand on his chest, activating Idle Transfiguration. Turning off this "form" was a bit more of a complicated manner since it wasn't merely a cosmetic change but more so his state of being that included its own binding vows. Regardless shifting his form was also basically as smooth as butter.

Outside of his true form, with his malleable body and idle transfiguration, he could easily change his height, voice, weight, and even gender with a simple thought. His new state also gave him a sense of no longer being too fixated or bound at the thought.

Using Idle Transfiguration he simply let his body revert to a more comfortable form he was familiar with with one tiny change.

Before Azazel, the current form of Akira crumbled apart leaving behind the Akira that he knew but he looked slightly different.

For one, his hair had gotten way longer, cascading down his shoulders, his skin looked baby smooth, his form looked almost slender if not for the packed muscles on his frame. And his eyes had shifted from an azure blue to now a vibrant emerald green.

Also, he did not have a penis.

Smooth as a Ken doll.

Azazel raised an eyebrow and Akira scoffed.

"What? Did you expect me to just let it all hang in front of you? Sus."

"Hah! Seriously though how are you doing that do you just not have a penis now? How did you choose to just not give your body a penis anyway?"

"Obviously I just excluded my stinger from my current form, it doesn't really matter too much right now anyway. I am still in Spirit form so sex isn't really on the table until I create a new body for myself."

"Right, I forgot how absurd you were."


[Akira PoV]

After a few more hours of chatting Azazel had left once we had fully hashed out how we would handle all of this... this.

I sunk into my chair and fell into deep thought.

I have finally become an ultimate tier, and one that is firmly in the ranks at that when you at the Kokabiel kneeling next to me. I feel quite different.

How should I say this, I feel unburdened? Like enormous weights have been lifted off my shoulders allowing me to float on clouds. I no longer feel haze negativity formed of unease and fear clouding my mind. I just felt more... me.

Funny, it took me dying to start feeling more alive.

Speaking of my new form, I don't really know about it as much as I would like to. I can feel my new power, I can feel the source of endless negativity of the world that I can tap into at any time like a well of endless curses.

But I need time to experiment to actually know what to do with all of that.

The power to wield death did not exactly come with a user manual you see. Hell- I barely know what I am. It's a miracle I came out of the Kokabiel fight at all considering I was throwing shit at the wall and saw what stuck.

"Are you all right my liege? You seem troubled. Could I perhaps assist you in any way?" Right, this motherfucker.

...No, I shouldn't view it that way. Cock head may have been an insufferable bastard but I shouldn't let my grudge against him spill onto the new and improved Kokabiel I have right here.

[ Kokabiel - Undead Cadre | Rank: Ultimate - Bottom ]

He was weakened slightly when I revived him but nevertheless, he was still a powerhouse, and he was still comparable to his previous self, he better be I had to spend actual several millions of CE and had to convert most of my inventory and not only that but the reward I got from killing him too just to raise this fucker.

But now I had an immortal cadre who was completely loyal to me and physically unable to betray me. As long as I had CE I could revive him, I could revive any soldier I hadn't sacrificed in fact.

This was good. I needed to experiment and find out my limits more, however.

I really want my body back holy fuck.

Being a godlike spirit is good and all but it feels really weird. I don't need any sustenance, I don't need sleep, I don't get tired, I have unrestricted access to all of my cursed techniques and regenerate enough cursed energy to power a city but...

Having none of those feels weird. Not bad, but weird.

And I miss my little man.

There are still so many women it has yet to explore. It is not yet his time to go.

Now, then, someone might ask, Akira, you handsome cursed bastard. How the hell are you going to get your body back when you are a cool evil spirit?

The answer lies in reversal.

Truthfully, it did not take me a long time to figure out how to create myself a new body. Or more like converting my body into that of a human again somewhat.

Using reversal on {Disaster Death} which was aptly named {Miracle Life} I recreated my previous body down to last-minute detail, even on the scale of DNA the difference wouldn't exactly be noticeable since I did recreate what was basically my saved state from my gamer technique.

Of course, the body itself changed when I actually fused into it. My hair got longer and my eyes took on a more verdant colour. My scars also tried to disappear but I kept them on.

Scars are cool.

Well, I could switch it out whenever I wanted. After all, I could simply customize my new body to my liking with a simple thought.

Of course, giving myself a new fleshy body came with its own restrictions but they weren't that bad really.

First of all, the output of Disaster Death is halved and my cursed energy output is reduced by 25% and my recovery speed by 50%. But on the flipside, I can actually use {Miracle Life} without hurting myself.

Secondly, some of my racial bonuses don't apply which is rather annoying.

Third, I needed to convert some of my CE to Vitality temporarily to have this form. So I now have 100,000 HP and 600,000 CE instead.

Of course, all of these side effects are not really that limiting since at any time I can just return to my true form at a moment's notice and depleting my HP won't kill me either, it's mostly a nuisance more than anything.

Anyway, now that I have my body back it was time to do some damage control.

A/N: Finally the Kokabiel fight is fully over. Akira is stronger than ever and now he is qualified to become an actual player in the political game between the factions. Also, his abilities have a lot that he hasn't discovered yet so stay tuned for that.

Also, what do you guys think Kokabiel's new name should be? And maybe changing his form too, if you have suggestions for that as well I am open to it.

NEXT UP: Fate/Chaos Theory



gamma or epsilon


Kokabiel is well known as the fugliest angel heaven ever produced. So Akira should give him Sebas Tian level looks and appearance wardrobe wise. Kokabiel as an attractive and well mannered undead would really mess with people's heads. "How is kokabiel LESS of a monster as an actual undead abomination!"