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Without hesitation I clicked yes, along with that came the feeling of my technique asserting itself on the very fabric of reality.

The ability to start over new.

Becoming a new being entirely.

I concentrated on the very fabric of my being as I remembered the steps I first took upon arriving here. My achievements should be sufficient this time, right?



[Please Choose Your Race.]

1. Human

2. Devil

3. Angel

4. Vampire.

5. Lich.

6. Werewolf.

7. Grimm Reaper

8. Kitsune

9. Nekomata

10. Dragon

11. Giant





And the list went on. With my accomplishments, I could basically pick any race but I also knew that equivalant exchange would occur. My system was able to so so much by converting my karma but there was a limit. I couldn't expect to keep everything I had if I chose to become an angel for example.

Obviously, the best option here was Dragon. After all the world WAS named Dragonic Deus.


Come on.

I can do better than that.

I sat down cross-legged, the void around me that was once the source of all my paranoia, fears and apprehensions now felt warm and comfortable now I embraced it.

I put a hand on my chest.

I felt everything I had, everything I had accomplished, and every technique I had gained and developed converge and cooperate under my command.

I knew what I wanted become.

I knew what I could become.

I knew what I was.

The thing that defined my existence. The thing that defined Akira.

I closed my eyes.


Death was no stranger to me.

It has loomed over me like the scythe of a reaper my entire life.

I had brushed with death dozens of times from my weak lungs. It prevented me from being fully alive my entire life, always on the edge of life and death.

I had seen my mother die.

I had beaten my uncle to death myself.

I had died before.

Death was what created the person known as Akira Gojo.

Death was always an integral part of my life. I can't escape from it, I can only embrace it.

Death is ruthless, it takes mother from child, it takes wife from husband. It takes child from parent.

Yet Death is not cruel. It does not revel in your suffering. It is the end and nothing more.

In front of Death, all is equal.

I saw a vision in front of my eyes, the card that represented death. The arcana of death.

XIII - Death

An armoured skeleton riding a pure white horse holding up a white flag.

The meaning of transformation, endings, change, transition, letting go, release.

I used {Create Undead} to raise my decayed soul from the brink.

I used {Cursed Energy Reinforcement} to its utmost to limit to reinforce my technique.

I used {Pain Killer} to stall the decay of my existence.

And lastly, I felt the palm of my hand against the shape of my soul.

Using {Idle Transfiguration} with absolutely everything I had. I removed the limiters that remained in my soul.

I removed every single boundary in my soul, letting it bare against the entire world, the entire void, there remained nothing separating my soul from the world itself.

A searing pain beyond any ran across my existence but my mind remained firm.


With nothing limiting it, nothing stopping it I let my existence turn into the shape it desired. I let myself die and be born a new.

Immediately, I felt something fill my open vessel.

An endless amount of malice, hatred, scorn, sadness, agony, ranchor, and vehemence was unleashed on my soul. I felt my mind nearly break under the pressure but I held firm with all I had.

I felt it.

The negativity of all beings. Their hatred.

Almost all beings in existence capable of thought feared death or hated death.

Even gods were not safe from death, even Odin himself feared death.

I felt millions of sights flash before my eyes.

Burning, disease, decay, rot, hanging, stabbing, heart attack, stroke, poison, bludgeoning, bleeding, breaking, falling, drowning, choking, starving, thirst, shock, electricity, earthquakes, crushing, biting...

Yet in spite of all of that I did not falter, I embraced it, not fearing. I let the cursed into my dead body, I let them into my souls, I let them change my soul.

Using Idle Transfiguration I guided these curses to transform into my true form.


[Changing race...]

[Compiling status...]


I felt the points of light in my soul, my skills, abilities converge, some points of light devouring others to allow me to achieve my absolute best.


[Draconic Power] has been converted.

[Rivalry] has been consumed.

[Feelin(e) Fine] has been consumed.

[Animal Friend] has been consumed

Class [Special Grade Sorcerer] has been forcefully raised to MAX.

Vitality has reached 1000: You have gained the trait [Longevity]

Strength has reached 1000: You have gained the trait [Superpower]

Endurance has reached 1000: You have gained the trait [Indomitable]

[Indomitable] and [Longevity] has been fused into [Innate Domain]


Obviously, as a soul, I could not feel the changes in my physical stats but I for sure could tell the changes in my soul as several of my more redundant traits were turned into fuel to power my evolution.


[Animosity] has been consumed.

[Dextrous] has been consumed.

[Brute Force] has been consumed.

[The Cursed Technique: Dash has evolved into Quicksilver]


I felt a giant tug on my soul, my technique desiring to devour a different light. One that was in a more isolated in my soul. And I understood what it was trying to do.

My cursed techniques wanted to consume my magic.

Eh. Fuck it, anything my spell book can do my cursed techniques can do better.


[Devilish Charms] has been consumed.

[Silver Tounge] has been consumed.

{Intermediate - Earth Magic} and {Intermediate - Water Magic} has been fused into {Cursed Tool Creation}

{Cursed Tool Creation} has evolved into the cursed technique {Construction}


I felt the technique deep in my soul and the first skill I got resonate together.


[Sitri's Blessing] has been consumed.

[Blessing of Thunder] has been consumed.

[Superpower] has been consumed.

Fusing the skills [Burning Sea], [Adept - Fire Magic], and [Disaster Flames(Locked)]...

You have created the cursed technique {Ranchor}


Flames of malice, hot enough to burn away the entire world settled within my soul.

There was a last piece left I decided on what to do. I have no need for it was what I decided. I decided on this path, no need to half-ass it.


Binding Vow:

[Arcane Scorn]

Condition: The spellbook is inaccessible.

Effect: Cursed Energy Output is increased by 50%


I felt it take effect almost instantly, the sensation of my spellbook disappearing within me. The void in its place getting filled with power instead. I did not need such a crutch anyway.

Now, it was time.

It was time to condense all of it.

I felt all of the malice that flooded my soul this instant. The biggest points of light in my body. My innate cursed technique chosen for me, the one that I built everything around.

Let's do this.

I did not even need to give the system my confirmation as it worked off my will.


Fusing the skills:

[ {Create Undead} (Mastered) ]


[ Soul Seance Technique ]


[ Pain Killer ]


[ Cursed Spirit Manipulation ]


[ Adept - Necromancy ]


[ Dark Wisdom ]


WARNING: Insufficient ability...

[Healthy] has been consumed.

[Magic Force] has been consumed.

[Vampirism] has been consumed.

[Fortune Favours the Bold ] has been consumed.

[Lightning Rod] has been consumed.

[World of Cardboard] has been consumed.

[Maiden's Protection] has been consumed.

You have awakened the technique.



                [Disaster Death]


Instantly I felt the endless malice inside me, the scattered points of light unify, I no longer felt the overbearing hatred, instead, I felt all of my necromancy abilities unified into one singular ability.

An ability so far beyond the scope of any of them.

The ability to manipulate death itself.

And now that ability had taken root in the core of my soul I felt my soul resume its metamorphosis. Synergizing it with idle transfiguration my Gamer technique carried out the process.

The shape, the core of my soul changed, I felt attuned to the very itself. A  strange sort of affinity with the world around me emerged. If I just thought about it I could tap into the very malice of the world itself.

The shell of a soul that maintained the shape of a human fell away.

In its place, a new entity was born.

A being that was never seen before.

A disaster to the world beyond any compare.

The fear, hatred, animosity, and negativity all things held toward Death itself made manifest.

A primal force of nature.

Death itself had taken shape.


You have successfully changed your race to [Disaster Spirit]

Vitality stat has been fused into Wisdom.

Race: Disaster Spirit

Calamity made manifest. A being that can even be called the antithesis of Gods.

Stat Modifiers:

1 Wisdom = 100CE

Str: 2x

Agi: 2x

End: 2x

Int: 2.5x

Racial Abilities:

CE functions as HP

Vulnerable to [Holy]

Vulnerable to [Light]

Resistant to [Darkness]

Ability - Dematerialization: Can turn into an intangible form.



I was whole once more.

I felt more power than ever, I felt like a volcano of endless power ready to burst. But it wasn't done yet, my transformation had affected my abilities too.


[Clone] has been changed to [Divergent Existence]

[Poison Resistance] has evolved to [Poison Immunity]

[Fire Resistance(Adept(lv60))] has been lowered to [Fire Resistance(Novice(lv20))]



You have fused with the item: Cloak of the Undead King

-Boosts the power of all Necromancy spells by 50%


Boosts the power of Death Element by 20%

-Reduces the cost of resurrecting undead and living beings

-Doubles the amount of undead that can be controlled at once

-Boosts the stats of all undead under your command by 20%

Due to your new existence, your traits are being compiled.

[Soulbound Soldiers]

Fallen undead can be reanimated for 1 hour after death by spending Lvl x 2.5CE

[Dark harvester]

CE regeneration is increased by 1% for every corpse in your vicinity. Goes up to 100%. Animated corpses do not count.

[Death's Favor]

+10% Death Affinity

+20% Affection Gain with the Dead

Have been fused into:

[Ruler of Death]

All undead under your command can be revived unless their cores have been destroyed.

All beings killed within your vicinity will automatically have their souls stored in your innate domain.


Finally, my body settled down, and my soul solidified having finished its metamorphosis.

It was time to move.


No one could do anything but look on blankly.

Rias has a glassed-over look in her eyes. Staring at Akira's corpse with the lances sticking out of his body. Looking at Kokabiel standing over his corpse with a feral she felt her power of destruction violently rage within her body, but just as she was about to do something.

Something happened.

Under the shocked gaze of everyone, the dying body of Akira crumbled away, like dry clay peeling off of a statue.

And from beneath the guise of a human emerged a figure.

A giant undead, its height reaching over 2 meters, it had a demonic skull that moved like a face with two black horns adorning it, red flames dancing in the sockets of it in the place of eyes.

Continuing under the skull the body was large, made up of blackened muscle fibers coalescing into a muscular towering shape. Its arms and legs were covered by red armour that was simply a part of its body, lastly, a tattered black cloak hung from its shoulders.

Day turned to night.

The stars turned green.

The clouds become black.

A great calamity beyond any compare had descended upon the world.

A/N: Akira has finally changed his race, having overcome his mental limits he has entered metamorphosis. Becoming an entity that is beyond the normal understanding of DxD. He is not a god of death, he is the literal embodiment of the concept. He is truly no longer shackled by the bounds of humanity.

Also, for anyone that wants a reference to what he looks like I based it off Astaroth from [Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell]

Finally, here is something you guys have been waiting for for a while now. Here is Akira's current status.



Gojo Akira

Level - 500

CE: 720,000 (200x Wis) (9,000 CE/min | 150CE/s) (2.5x multiplier)

Race: Disaster Spirit


Special Grade Sorcerer - [LV. 100/100(MAX)]

Options: [+50.0% Cursed Energy Output]

Cursed Necromancer - [LV. 100(MAX)]

-Options: [Soul Resistance] [Cursed Spirit Creation]

[Weak to Holy] [Strong against Holy]

Necromancer - [LV. 100(MAX)]

-Options: [Weak to Light] [Weak to Holy] [Necromancy]

[Resistance to Necrotic]

Sorcerer - [LV. 100(MAX)]

-Options: [Jujutsu] [Cursed Energy Manipulation]

Magician - [LV.100(MAX)]

Options: [+10% Power to all Spells] [+20% Spell Acquiring speed]


Ward-Crafter - [LV. 50/50(Max)]

-Options: [Ward Creation] [Sigil: Reinforcement] [Sigil: Obfuscation]

[Sigil: Counter Curse]  [Sigil: Warding] [Sigil: Recovery] [Sigil: Restoration]

Brawler - [LV. 50(Max)]

-Options: +50% Unarmed Damage

Wis: 3,600(Vitality has been added to Wisdom)

Int: 2,600

End: 1000

Str: 1000

Agi: 800

Cha: 200

Luk: 400

Cursed Energy Output: 270%


[ Cursed Energy Manipulation ]

Allows the manipulation of cursed energy.

[ Cursed Energy Control(Expert) ]

Reduces the cost of all Jujutsu by 37.5%

[ Reversed Cursed Technique ]


+25& Damage to of hand-to-hand combat.

-[Divergent Fist]

-[Iron Fist]

[Whip Mastery (Adept)]

+25% Damage to all Whiplike weapons.


+12.5% Damage to all bladed weapons.

[ Cooking (Intermediate)]

[ Alchemy (Adept)]

[ Massage (Adept) ]




Cost: 500CE/s

-Temporarily increases movement speed by 2.5x



[Cursed Energy Enhancement (Mastered)]

Cost: 50CE/s

-You can use cursed energy to cover your entire body. Reinforcing your entire body and boosting all physical stats. As well as increasing the power behind your physical blows.



[Perfect Unknowable]

Cost: 100CE/s

Suppresses all traces of the user's presence, making them invisible, unable to be heard, smelt, or their magical energies perceived. This effect is dispelled once the user inflicts damage or is inflicted with damage.



[Disaster Death Lv.1/100]




[Dismantle LV. 1/100]

Cost: Varies

Allows the user to send out fast and invisible slashing attacks.



[Idle Transfiguration LV. 26/100]

Cost: Varies

Allows the user to freely alter the shape of souls by touching them. The user needs to touch the souls with an open hand for the technique to work. The user can freely change the shape of their own soul.



[Construction Lv. 1/100]

Cost: Varies

Allows to user to construct objects out of cursed energy.



[ Cursed Speech Lv. 44/100 ]

Cost: Varies

You can reinforce your words with cursed energy, compelling anyone who hears them to obey your command, limited to simple commands. Infusing your words with cursed energy puts a heavy strain on your throat. The effectiveness of the command and the backlash is proportional to the difference in Int between the target and caster.



[Domain Expansion Lv. 4/100]

Cost: 50% Max CE

The ability to expand your inner domain into the real world alongside your cursed technique. Allowing your cursed to perform at its absolute maximum performance and guaranteeing a sure hit attack effect of it.



[Cursed Lightning Discharge Lv. 12/100]

Cost: 500CE/s

Allows the user to convert their Cursed Energy into Lightning form. Strength and Efficiency increased by lightning affinity and level.



[Ranchor Lv. 1/100]




[Divergent Existence]




[Heavenly Restriction]

-Increases libido by 500% and CE by 50%

<[True Cursed Eyes]>

+[+50% Cursed Energy Output]

+[The user can freely adjust the cursed energy output of techniques and spells.]

+[True Sight]

+[Energy flow reading and sense]

+[Augmented Perception]

+[Augmented Mental Processing Power]

<[Cursed Vessel]>

+50% Maximum Cursed Energy

+50% Cursed Energy Regeneration


Cursed Energy is boosted by 20%

[Poison Immunity]

[Fire Resistance - Novice]


[Innate Domain]

Your innate domain, the representation of your soul and the representation of your very self. This trait can be fused together with other traits to make it stronger. All abilities that directly target or affect you will have to contend with your innate domain to take effect.


+25% Damage reduction

+50% Resistance to all abnormal status conditions.

+All EXP gains are doubled.

+Personal skills cannot be copied, stolen or replicated.


<[Ruler of Death]>

-All undead under your command can be revived unless their cores have been destroyed.

-All beings killed within your vicinity will automatically have their souls stored in your innate domain.


[Lucky Sukebe]

-Increases the chance of encountering lucky perverted situations.

[Fortuitous Encounter]

-You can randomly encounter lucky situations.

[ Panty Thief ]

-By taking the panties of girls you can get stat bonuses. Works only once per girl.


-Affection losses reduced and gains increased from perverted actions

[Date Scouter]

-When using observation on a target you can see their likes and dislikes.

[Harem Lord]

-Girls are naturally more accepting of being in your harem. Often overlooking or not minding you flirting with other girls or that you are already in a relationship.

[Milf Hunter]

-Increases Affection and favorability gain with Married and/or women who have had Children.



GOD DAMN! I'M SO FUCKING HYPED MAN!!! I can't wait for Akira to beat kokoballs into the dirt!


Also, question. How hard would this new Akira stomp on the previous Akira?


Nice chapter. Unfortunate that he changed his race in the end but shrug. Also. Light and Holy has no reason to affect anything CE-based whatsoever. But whatever.


Actually, its more of a conceptual weakness than anything. It is due to how blunt the Gamer system is. He is a cursed spirit = Evil Spirit, Evil Spirits are almost always weak to holy and light in games = Cursed Spirits are weak to holy and light. The same reason why the necromancer class makes him holy vulnerable too.


Awesome new body!