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---Akira 2#---

You wouldn't know how obscenely hard it is to carve such intricate details into a metal pillar. I had to gradually chip away with a Cursed Tool Chisel and my own cursed energy. I had already withdrawn my second body to work together with me.

Right now Aika was getting to know the ORC club(Wraith surveillance is best). While they got to know each other I was expanding. My other body had upgraded the cursed tool makers into Cursed Blacksmiths with cursed spirit creation, making them far far more efficient.

I had them cracking away at enchanting the pillars with their tool creations. I had also doubled the amount of workers I had. I could afford to after all. Currently body 1# was working on making talismans with a bunch of wards and such on them, while body 2# was preparing the pillars that would hold the talismans and serve as the focal point of the Veil I would set up.

Not to mention I also need more of these pillars to secure Kuoh. Approximately 11, I was already down 4. One would be in my Home, which was near the middle of Kuoh. While the other 10 would be for a decagon around Kuoh.

But man is doing this is boring as hell.

Fuck it. This is enough for now. I will just set up the wards for my home and create more undead that will handle the warding around here. I don't want to do everything by myself.

Since my basement was actually larger than my actual house I decided to put the pillar in the smack-dab middle of my basement. A large black metal pillar(Black Steel I learned) with incredibly intricate designs and etched with glowing crystals. And then I started slapping talismans on it.

[Reinforcement], [Obfuscation], [Counter Curse: Burning Sea], [Counter Curse: Blind], [Counter Curse: Curse], [Warding], [Detect Life], [Detect Cursed Energy], [Reinforcement], [Soul Trap],[Teleport], [Anti-scrying], [Malice Detection [Chameleon], [Photosynthesis], [Magic Resistant], [Iron Wall], [Dark harvester], [Observation]...

Alright, that took a significant portion of my mortal lifespan to complete. But now I just need to put a weil to cover my entire house and bind it to this.

"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure."

And with that it was complete. At any time I can expand the veil no problem. How is my pillar able to fuel so many goddam enchants you may ask. And I have a simple answer to that.

With my new and improved eyes, my energy sensitivity is off the charts. So it did not take me long at all to find a natural energy vein or two. I just had to made some of the materials I had gotten into energy relays using cursed too creations before creating a path of them that led to my base.

I also had several photosynthesis Veil's working in much the same way relaying cursed energy to my base since I enchanted a bunch of metal panels with photosynthesis.

Cursed Energy Solar Panels. And you thought you had seen everything.

Seeing the veil finally fall over my mansion before vanishing from sight was very satisfying. With this veil and wards in place, my house was basically a fortress.

Anyone below Ultimate Tier would not be able to force their way through it. And anyone trying to forcefully peek into my house and ignoring the warnings would be met would get cursed with weakness, blind, curse and then get blasted with Burning Sea.

And finally, finally, people now could not teleport into my house all they wanted. I did this by obscuring the coordinates by obfuscation and chameleon. Granted someone strong enough could force their way through but not without me knowing unless they are really specialized in breaking in.

This should give the message that I am not simply a child playing around that they can just disrespect me by going into my house nilly-willy.

The strength of the walls were quite significant. They could take around a hundred burning seas from me without breaking. Which is above the firepower of basically any high-tier existence. It can take a few hits from a bottom-ranked Ultimate tiers too.

As I was feeling satisfied with my creation Ddraig came down from her room next to me as she yawned, drawing my attention to her bountiful breasts barely hidden by her oversized black shirt.

Not that she could tell with my blindfold on.

"Is this what you have been working on? I admit, it looks rather impressive. Also, what's with the blindfold?" She said, crossing her arms under her breasts as she looked over where I set up the veil.

"I need the blindfold to see. Also, do you want to test the durability of the barrier with me?" She sported a grin as she heard my words and stretched. She learned to not question my weirdness at this point.

"Sure, I would love to."


Outside the barrier, I stood behind Ddraig as she summoned the Boosted Gear with a simple gesture. The gem shone and yelled out boost as Ddraig's stats were boosted significantly. She did not need more than a single boost if she wasn't going for a kill shot.

First, she unleashed a dragon shot which did barely anything. Then started punching with her boosted stats. The wall of energy that protected the house was not phased. So she pulled out her Balance Breaker.

I don't know which madman designed the female version of the balance breaker but I have to give them an award. It left the entire midriff exposed, barely covered the panties and gave the wearer stockings.

Combat wise? Not optimal. But it's DxD they probably get a nudity buff to balance it out. Even with her Balance Breaker Ddraig was not able to break my barrier. Of course, I did not let her use pierce which would have done what its name implies and her flames are too broken to use out in the open.

*Huff* *Huff*

Dispelling the balance breaker Ddraig wiped the sweat off her brow and stood next to me.

"Yep, it's pretty sturdy partner. You need at least an angel with at least 4 wings to get through that. I'm actually rather impressed. While I may not know too much about spells since that's more Vritra's thing I don't know many people who can erect such a barrier in such a short time."


Currently, both Ddraig and I were lying on the main couch laying under a large blanket. We both were tired after the exhausting day. Me because I spent the entire day making wards and Ddraig because her balance breaker drained her stamina.

Ddraig decided to watch TV for the first time since she incarnated, she wanted to experience the new forms of entertainment humanity had created in her. She asked if I wanted to watch with her and I decided why not.

I have been working nonstop. A movie or something would be nice.

So here we were, watching some movie, with Ddraig's body snuggled up to me. I had the maids bring us some as snacks as we got comfortable on the couch. I wasn't focusing much on the movie though.

...It was rather hard to focus on the movie with Ddraig clad in nothing but panties and a shirt, with her curvy figure flush against mine. It has been a few days. While I do not want to consider myself a sex beast I just cannot make excuses for myself at this point.

With the slightest ounce of shame in my system, a bone decided to prop a tent in my pants that poked directly at Ddraig's plump and soft ass. Obviously noticing the 9 inches of pure teenage hormones Ddraig turned her head slightly toward me.

~~~~~~{r18 Time}~~~~~~

[Tags: Slight Femdom, Thighjob]

"Hmm? Does my body arouse you so? I admit this is a bit troubling, well I do not feel like mating just yet dear partner. But I do feel the need to repay you. Hmm, I guess this should do for now." Ddraig spoke in a husky voice as she reached down and removed her panties before throwing them out of the blanket.

Next, she skillfully pulled down my pants and angled my now-free penis just under her mound and between her thighs. Slowly she started grinding against me, quickly wetting and making my dick feel all the more pleasure as it slid against her entrance, suffocated between her soft thighs.

"Do you like that~? Is the feeling of your dick shamelessly rubbing against my pussy too much for you?" I grit my teeth in frustration, I wanted nothing more than to just grab her by the hips and ram it into her.

But I was better than that. I wasn't just some monkey whose head was clouded by lust.

Deciding to get some initiative myself I wrapped my arms around Ddraig, one of my hands reaching up to her breasts and started fondling it with massage skill which drew a pleasured moan from her as I started rubbing more intensely against her.

"Mmh~~ I like that, you are quite good with your hands aren't you Partner? But I don't feel like losing." Saying Ddraig stuck one of her fingers in her mouth before drawing it out coated in saliva as she reached down the blanket as she started rubbing the head of my penis with her slick hand.

"Ngh, fuck." What the fuck was this? She was fucking playing me! But this kind of pleasure is kind of new. Was I being played right now?

"Hmmh~~!!" Ddraig climaxed again as my penis was soaked in her juices. I could only hold on for so long, I started rubbing against her faster and faster before the dam broke and I started shooting ropes of jizz across her navel.

Fuck, I am exhausted what the hell? I could Ddraig's smug gaze on me as reached down and scooped up a handful of jizz and brought it to her mouth.

"Mmm, it tastes nice." She said popping her finger out of her mouth as she licked her lips as I stood there a statue. Smiling she got up, not bothering to hide her remaining arousal.

~~~~~~{r18 End}~~~~~~

"That was quite nice Partner, we should do it again sometime. For now, I will retire to my lair."  Stunned I just watched her leave. Then my gaze lowered to my lower body and my now soft one and the traces of our coitus.

Did that really just happen?

Did I just get played?


Did I lose!? Just like that!? Like a whimpering fucking infant!?

I couldn't help but feel the indignation swell up in my chest.

'I will get you back... I swear...!'

[Ddraig Goch's obedience has decreased by 5]

[Ddraig Goch's affection has increased by 5]


---[1 AM]---

Mittelt sneakily checked around the living room. Her shift was long over and she had already confirmed that everybody else had slept, even including Akira. So she finally had the TV to herself.

Just one of the benefits of working as a maid of a powerful person she guessed. Even if he terrified her. Grabbing her bowl of popcorn she grabbed the cd for Shrek 2 off of the shelf. She had watched the first one already a few days ago, and while the representation of some of the races were wildly inaccurate she couldn't help but enjoy the movie.

But as she sat down on the couch she felt something sticky and wet under her.


It did not take her long to recognize what it was as she sighed. Walking off to fetch the cleaning materials, the duty of a maid was never over it seemed.


[You have acquired the panties of Ddraig Goch]

[Effect: +25 to all physical stats]

A/N: Yet another blow to Akira's pride. What did you guys think of this chapter? Did you guys like the r18 portion? I would love to hear your thoughts about it.

Comments and likes motivate me to write so do that and I may be motivated to write longer chapters more often.


Rauko the varment

erm, she's a dragon, so it isn't hard to think she'll be pulling off something like that and who would say no to a dommy mommy? so too bad for Akira but this is only the beginning. besides it's more fun AND entertaining this way~


Was it the clone or was it the actual akira? Because me personally I don't like it when people use clones for the +18 scenes. No offense I just think it's weird.


I should clear it up. No, they aren't clones. They are separate bodies but it is still one Akira. Imagine your body is the game character and you are the player sitting behind the computer. What Akira is doing is playing on 2 computers simultaneously.