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~~~~~~Bizarre Adventures Across the Multiverse~~~~~~


{End of cycle, beginnings, change, metamorphosis}

Where is this? Purgatory?

How did I even end here?

My naked body was stuck in what I could only describe as purgatory. Above me was a literal sea of stars. I could see thousands littering the endless sky like the most beautiful of gems floating on the obsidian sea. A sight you could not even hope to imagine seeing on Earth.

While below me was a water-like floor, I only say water-like because it's somewhat like liquid and reflected the night sky cosmos above, giving a really beautiful and alien-like sight.

Did I even have a body right now or was I a soul? I don't know. In fact, I knew basically nothing about this situation other than the fact that I was either dead at this moment or this is a fever dream from the amount of drugs they would be pumping into me at the hospital to keep me alive.

So here I lay on the surface of the mirror-like water floor. Butt naked.

Right, you must be confused, allow me to introduce myself. Or else I think I will actually forget who I was here.

I am Dio Romano, and despite what my name implies I am not Italian. At least fully anyway.

My... Father, was Italian, while my mother was English and half-Japanese. I was born in England.

I know, horrifying, but that isn't even the worst part. As if being born in England wasn't bad enough I was named Dio.

Kids are cruel, my nickname was Dick for most of my school career since the first two letters out of my 3 letter name matched.

Also, it takes a special disturbed state of mind to name your kid fucking God in Italian.

...So of course my Father proceeded to name me Dio and my Mother does not contest him on the decision because of course she couldn't.

What led was me being bullied for being named god in Italian in England. Not that I let it get to me however, it would be weird to feel bad when kids call me Dick.

Anyway, life wasn't always doom and gloom. At least I had somewhat good genetics. Golden yellow hair, tall and at least somewhat handsome I would like to say.


Dio, Yeah enough dancing around it I look like Dio from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Hell, I even share the name. At first, I thought just maybe my father is a weeb but that didn't get out of the grave.

It's honestly one hell of a coincidence honestly. And gave me one hell of a spook too once I watched Phantom Blood.

Oh yeah, I watch JoJo, it's not the centre point of my life or anything, I am not the biggest JoJo fan but it is still my favourite Manga and Anime series.

Why is this important? Well, it isn't right now but it will be.

So anyway, I died. Or at least I probably did.

You see I am a somewhat law-abiding citizen. I see a red light I don't cross the sidewalk. But some people just do not know how driving works.

A rather large truck swerved to avoid a cat in the middle of the road.

And instead slammed into me, against the wall no less as I was leaning against the wall checking for the new part 9 chapter as I waited for the light to turn green.

I am 99% sure I turned into a very nice flesh pancake between the wall and the truck. If the brief but excruciating pain was anything of an indicator.

Now I highly doubt you could take someone alive out of that predicament with anything less than magic or something. And last I remember the local hospital didn't employ Gandalf.

So, I am dead.

And this is either the afterlife or the near-death hallucination but I am inclined to believe in the former. It feels too real right now. I can still feel the cold wet(?) floor beneath me.

I put my hand above my face. It was still my hand. It wasn't like it was translucent or anything.

So? What happens now?

Guess I can only go over my life now. It's not like there is anything to do. And I didn't get a life flashing before my eyes moment before the truck took me out of the Z axis.

Maybe this is why I am in purgatory. To think over my life before being sent to hell.

I put myself in a cross-legged sitting position while staring up at the endless expanse of stars.

'How nice.'

It looked so free. Unbound by anything. A sea of stars, the sky almost always represented freedom right?

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

My life... was shit.

I didn't have regrets, I had nothing but regrets. I had so many regrets to the point where I couldn't even regret them. Yet I still lived my life.

'Live your life even if it's pathetic.' That is what I told myself.

Well, I was alive certainly. I was living, breathing, shitting. And all of the above and so on. Hell, I even had my own apartment and enough income to pay for it. But I wasn't living, yes I was alive but I wasn't living.

To be honest, I hated my life. I held basically no attachments to anything, no friends, no girlfriends, no close relatives, just acquaintances. I was just drifting across the sea of life. My life had already been ruined.

Perhaps that is why I liked fiction so much? It gave me a door to a life that wasn't mine, an escape from my bleak reality. A world that was much more colourful than my monochrome one.

Hahah, looking at me being all philosophic. Perhaps I should have majored in psychology instead.

Anyway, that was my hobby, maybe even my only real one, reading. I liked reading books, novels, comics, and manga. I loved seeing those worlds. I loved seeing those adventures. It allowed me to explore a life I never would get to live. A life unlike this one.

I wanted that too.

That's why I liked Jojo's Bizarre Adventure so much probably.

I wanted to go on an adventure like that too.

A bizarre adventure, unlike my own life, unlike the monotonous grey that my own life was.

But that would never happen. I am a slave to my own life.

Or was, seeing I am post-mortem.

Now that I think of it more. I had plenty of opportunities to turn my life around. I could have done something with my life. I had all the opportunity to.

But I never did, I found it all meaningless.

I guess that is my biggest regret.

I never got to live my life.

I never got to enjoy my freedom.

...How fucking stupid.

It all seems so stupid now. I was dead now. Destination: the basement of hell.

I had no such illusions that I would go to heaven. I wasn't a good enough person for grandiose dreams like that. At least maybe god would have the dignity to look me in the eyes before sending me to hell.

But well, it didn't seem like I was going anywhere. Maybe this was all there was to the afterlife? I would gradually lose my ego while sitting here? I don't know.

I opened my eyes to look at the beautiful, endless, vast night sky hanging above me, almost like life was dangling it front of me with a string. Freedom, so close yet so infinitely far away.

But, I guess I had to be content with this.

I closed my eyes.










Like hell I was!

I clenched my fist tight. In what like a long long time I felt incredibly angry.

My life was robbed from me. I never got a chance to properly live my life and now even the chance of it was taken away from me!? Bullshit!

I was dealt a shitty hand, I lived through it. I lived my life through all of it for this!? For what!?

Not even a fucking glance. Nothing. I get nothing. Not even the dignity to look me in the eyes.

I won't accept such a shitty ending!

I wasn't even given a fucking chance. I struggled so much, so much for so long, endured so much, for so long and this all I get!? Fuck no!

Never have I ever felt this much anger. This indignation. It felt as if my entire life was spat on. I was always denied it my entire life, either my life itself, others, or even myself.


I am sick of these of these chains fucking binding me. Snaring around my neck like a demented noose. Chains bound to every inch of my being, holding me down. I am sick of them.

Ignoring the imaginary weight of those chains on me I got up from my position with great difficulty. I took one step forward.

It felt like the sound of that one step thundered across this entire "world".

I took another step, like a slave pulling against their chains in defiance.

It felt like my vision was blurred, I didn't know what I was doing. My actions did not follow my thoughts, they answered to my wants.

What I desired was freedom.

That was the only thing on my mind. Freedom.

A potent force drove me forward. My body and mind running on instinct.

As if responding to my one desire, I saw something. A door.

An indistinct, almost illusionary white door appeared in the middle of the vast expanse, seeing this one way out hesitation did not cross my mind even once I strode forward and grasped the handle of the door.

With all my strength I pulled the door open, I didn't see what was beyond that door but I did not need to.

I opened the door and walked in.

And then everything was black.

A/N: The new series starts! I really wanted to write a fanfic with stands as the main premise like how Jujutsu was the main premise of DxD. And I thought what better than a multiverse fanfic because I haven't written any of those yet(Soulsborne who will reach the multiverse section in a later date does not count).

It would really help me if you guys would comment what you think about this new fanfic in the comments. It would be good to know if you guys like this new fic or not and how I can improve it.

Plus seeing your comments about it helps motivate me to write more of it.


Israel Perez-Rolo

Dio gon Dio as Dio does Dio things, like being dramatic and posing. Look forward to more

James French

Cool start to a new fic, also if you ever get bored and want to write another one- you should try Lt’s worm CYOA for inspiration 🤙🏼