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My dick and balls hurt.

They hurt.

The kind of pain you have after emptying too many rounds in a short time frame. Turns out going for 10 rounds straight was a bad idea. Who would have thought?

RCT can heal most injuries but my flesh still feels spongy and bruised. But I hold no regrets, except for maybe not investing enough in endurance. But goddam am I having the epitome of post-nut clarity.

After our... session was over, I let Grayfia go back home early much to her surprise even handing her dress and stocking and whatnot back to her except the panties of course which made her reluctantly thank me and gave me a bit of affection and obedience with her.

Speaking of affection and obedience. Grayfia is at +30 affection and 46 obedience. Soon I would get the obedience reward which is nice.

There are 2 days left before the duel of the Fates.

In that timeframe, I needed to get myself in shape before that big fight. Because with my current stats, it would be a struggle to defeat Riser. Not impossible mind you, I have defeated Toji with less stats and he was a trillion times scarier.

Before this fight, I want to at least finish the necromancer class and get 2 more new classes. After all, Riser is still the boss of the first season, one which I am significantly disadvantaged against.

Whelp, looks like I am sleeping in the dungeons tonight.

Leaving a notice for my dear maids I used ID Create to enter Necropolis, but instead of summoning my army I instead decided to cruise alone. Building an army is good and all but all of that experience being shared was not something I was particularly a fan of.

Welcoming the familiar scenery I took a deep breath, taking in all of the undeath smog. In the distance, I already saw my challengers.


You know, there are a lot of tactics you can employ without armies than armies. For example, I do not have to worry in the slightest about a burning sea just evaporating half of my army due to a misfire. And boy is burning sea effective against undead.

Nagash learned that first-hand when he was hit by me switching places with a wight while holding a fully charged burning sea. Turns out undead a quite vulnerable when you are roleplaying as a pyromaniac throwing out fireballs and firewalls.

It did not take more than a single army for me to reach level 200 thanks to both Superbia and the fact that I don't have my exp diluted. I had finally finished the Necromancer class, as expected which opened a lot of different classes.

[Flesh Crafter] [Hemomancer] [Medium] [Reaper]

But still, I felt the two distinct points inside of "me". Can I do better than that? This is my system after all, what I am capable of is only limited by myself. Then what about a mix of both paths?

[Initiate Synthesis?]

Under my command I felt the two points that represented "sorcerer" and "necromancer" start merging together,  slowly but surely they were mixing together.

It was like thousands of strings making up different similar Constructs were being melded together seamlessly.

In the end, I felt them become one and could not help but smirk.

[Secondary class has been fused into primary Class]

[Replacing Secondary Class slot with Sub Class slot]

I may have lost the second class option but the reward was well worth it, not only had I discovered a whole aspect of [Gamer] but I also created the seamless fusion of the two classes.


[Cursed Necromancer Lv. 1/100]

A cursed Necromancer, creator of true curses, weaving soul and flesh into Cursed Spirits.

Adds Skill [Cursed Spirit Creation]

+ 20% Death Affinity +20% Soul Affinity

Stat Growth:

Vit - 2

End - 2

Str - 1

Agi - 1

Int - 4

Wis - 4

Luc - 1


'Curse Spirit Creation'

It's quite a simple ability in theory. It allows me to directly create naturally occurring cursed spirits. This still is a direct upgrade to create undead.

That's right, I can create curse spirits now. With create undead I can create undead through corpses but with Cursed Spirit Creation I can create cursed spirits out of nothing but my cursed energy.

Cursed Spirits like Hanami.

If the class description was right I could even fuse Curses and Corpses together to form better undead. In general cursed spirits are stronger than undead. They might lack the tirelessness of undead but they made up for it with regeneration and utility.

Cursed spirits naturally possess a degree of intelligence higher than that of undead. Also, they can naturally handle cursed energy due to their composition. One flow they do have however is that they can only have one ability at a time. Because once they get an ability they embody said ability due to their malleable nature.

I can also turn any soul captured into Cursed Spirit too. Also if someone recently died or I managed to summon their soul I can turn them into a cursed spirit via the extension technique {False Reincarnation}.

As a test I held my hand out and activated the CIT, cursed energy in its raw form and began to coagulate, gaining shape in the form I wanted it to take. And within several seconds a grade 2 cursed spirit was born. For a test I made it take a recognizable shape, a round ghost with a simple dopey face, a hollow from one piece. With a command the hollow derply floated before-


A large explosion similar to a crate of TNT went off as the ghost exploded, a major success. The ability of this spirit was corpse explosion, making it the strongest suicide bomber. This experiment also let me see a restriction of the skill.

Creating, cursed spirits is neither cheap nor easy. It's not combat-applicable. And creating them takes far more CE than creating undead.

But I know that with this I can do some major bullshit. If I just manage to create just one Disaster Spirit it would be insane. Those bastards are about as strong as if not stronger than just about any High-Class entity that is not a major outlier.

But now the question is how I make stronger cursed spirits. Maybe I can find a leyline? These things have borderline inexhaustible amounts of energy in them. Maybe I can even create cursed weapons by creating cursed spirits with cursed tool creation.

Maybe I should pay a visit to Kyoto soon? Probably after the Riser fiasco passes over. After all, it is the main hub of Yokai in Japan. Not only would it be fun to look around but as the population is 99% Yokai they must be very advanced in the use of Positive Energy as seen in Youjutsu and Senjutsu.

Also, I really want to learn how they made their sub-dimension Kyoto. Because I also want to turn my humble mansion into an entire sub-dimension.

Plus a big-ass Leyline is in Kyoto. Going there should both give me access to the leylines on it and also information on RCT, or chakra or ki or whatever they call it in this world. I know there is something called Touki which acts a lot like my Cursed Energy Enhancement. Maybe I can fuse the two together to make an even better version?

A good teacher for me could be Kuroka?, Koneko's estranged sexy older sister. If I remember correctly she was a master at both Senjutsu and Youjutsu. Unfortunately, she is riding with the chaos brigade and I am not going to poke that hornet nest with a 1000-mile stick.

Anyway, let's add that to my to-do list. For now, I should keep exploring Necropolis.


I found a decent lot of loot I say. A lot of resources scattered around. For example, I randomly stumbled upon 500 gold coins by happenstance. Can't make that shit up. Not like I am in need of money but you have to be a special kind of braindead to just leave a pile of gold unattended.

Though it made me really paranoid that I was going to be ambushed with those gold coins lying around as a trap but no. Some really rich merchant must have tripped I guess. I don't know what the fuck he was doing in Necropolis but that's his problem.

Also, Crystals and Gems. I did not find as many of them, only a few dozen kilograms of each but they are surprisingly useful. These gems and crystals both contain special properties and contain energy inside of them, they can be used as catalysts for some rituals too it seems.

High-quality magic sulfur too. I can use those in even more rituals, creating Fire attribute undead which seems like a bad idea and High Class potions related to fire.

The Ore Mine I raided which only had skeletons miners contained... you guessed it. Ore, iron, steel, silver and other such mundane materials. I had enough of them in my pocket that I probably won't need anymore in the near future.

Lastly, there was a lot of... wood? I do not know why there is so much non-rotten wood in the city of death where everything is basically dead and buildings are made of stone. Regardless, as a proper gamer, I still picked it up.

If your inventory is not cluttered up with tons and tons of shit is it really your inventory?

There is so much inside there that it is insane. From enough materials to build a small village. Enough crude weapons to supply a small army. A decent number of potions. Corpses, food(the corpses are not the food) and women's underwear.

And I do not have the patience to sort it all. Who knows, I might dump it all in the basement and have the overseer sort them all out for me.

But now, I see an army that had gathered in the distance while I had been robbing this land blind. Taking everything that wasn't nailed down and even some things that were nailed down.

Well, sometimes enemies are just loot you haven't taken off their corpses yet.

A/N: Akira has started embarking on the journey of a true Cursed Necromantic. His arsenal of death is slowly but surely increasing and so is the amount of things he can accomplish with his necromancy. What did you think about this development and this chapter? I would love to hear your thoughts about it.


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