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Waking up with a completely different set of memories was jarring, to say the least.

Okay, completely different was a slight exaggeration. But that made it all the more jarring.

I woke up with another set of Matthew Smith's memories. One that led a life different from mine. Yet we were still the same person. Just ones that led different lives, our personalities weren't much different somehow, just proves how stubborn I was I guess.

Never change even between worlds huh?

For some reason, my body was incredibly stiff as I got up from my bed, whether that was because of some mental reason or whatever I did not know.


Dressing in some rough-looking baggy black pants, red sneakers, along with a baggy black jacket over my dark blue solid colour shirt. It seems like my sense of fashion was not much better in this world. Slipping into some slippers I headed out.

Looking around as I walked I was pretty awed.

The memories I received were rather vague. I only "knew" things about myself, I didn't really experience them myself. I knew I lived in Japan for most of my existence and I felt familiar with the city.

Bustling streets with tall buildings. Honestly, it looked rather beautiful and peaceful. It was also rather new to me, after all, I lived in America before not Japan Tokyo City. Also, I knew Japanese because duh, my implanted memories lived here.

I was heading to the grocery store for some groceries. Because my fridge was rather empty other the barest of necessities to survive.

As I was walking there I noticed that people were subconsciously parting the way for me. And yeah I kinda expected that no one would really want to associate or bump into me in a place like this.

I looked like the literal example yakuza. Tall, especially in Japan. Wearing bulky clothes that could hide something like a knife and tattoos related to yakuza. Blonde hair(not dyed, fully natural baby) with what the Japanese fellows would call "Sanpaku eyes" the bags under my eyes do not help.

Well, I am not bothered by it, I would be surprised actually if people approached me, I would not approach me if I saw myself wandering the streets. Works well for me as I do not want to talk to people much anyway.

If I really want to avoid an interaction or someone I dont want knocking on my door I just keep staring at them until they get uncomfortable and run off with some excuse.

Speaking of intimidation I should really try and fill this lanky frame out with muscles. Unlike my previous life, this me really did not put much importance on having a really strong body. That did not mean he was a slouch however.

I was always a strong kid, stronger than my peers at least. And even while I lived in a dangerous neighbourhood I never lost a fist fight. I was also pretty good at fighting not to toot my own horn after a friend asked me to go to a boxing gym since I was naturally strong.

Those traits seemed to carry over to this life too. Along with my more dangerous habits. There is a reason why I wasnt in school on a Monday after all.

It turns out, some delinquents picked a fight with me because, and I quote: Looking like a punk-ass wannabe yakuza. Though I am pretty sure they just wanted a reputation for themselves since I looked tough and beating up someone that looks tough gets you that useless rep. Maybe they wanted to join those high schooler gangs around that I heard about?

Whatever retarded reason they had they clearly had the wrong approach. You dont just harass someone for days and then push them down the fucking stairs. I had given the benefit of the doubt and simply reported them to the teachers simply because I didn't want to deal with them and already had a bad record.

And then the bastards did not get the hint and pushed me down the stairs for being a "snitch".

Hopefully, they dont regret that now. They got what they wanted, which from what I have seen was being wheeled to the ER by ambulances.

Those 5 and their buddies that ganged up on me after will probably never be the same. They paid the idiot tax with broken jaws, broken knees, herniated disks, a lack of teeth, and the 5 stooges with hairline fractures on the skull after I stomped their head against the stairs.

Huh, maybe that even managed to fix their clear brain problems.

But yeah, after that I got expelled, straight up. Even though those shartstains started it first those incompetent bastards blamed me for the entire altercation, something something about outraged parents and there goes your admission.

Whelp, you won't see me grieving. I already completed high school once. I just need my degree and I would fuck right off. Even with my frankly dammed record there is bound to be at least one school willing to accept me so I ain't scared.

I'm not retarded, I was halfway into university, and with some recital I can squeak my way past high school. After all, I can just find myself a job as a mechanic, maybe a car repair person or something.

While going to the store I also noticed something that was completely natural to me in this set of memories.

There is a significant amount of people with coloured hair here. Like not a negligible amount, and for some reason it was completely natural to this me. I guess this world is different that way?

Why am I not freaked out right now? Knowing I am in a different world(probably) in a younger version of my body?

1: The new set of memories helped.

2: I wasn't raised as a bitch. When life hits you with a hook you dont curl up into a ball and weep. You roll with it.

So yeah I was just forcing myself to acclimate. I was going to say Mama didn't raise no bitch but she kind of threw herself off a building like two weeks after my birth so...

She kinda didn't raise anyone.

Anyway, I reached the grocery store while trying to ignore the coloured hair like bright red, green, bright blue, silver, and even... ugh... ginger.

I bought some steak, protein, chicken, bread, spices, and just about anything that I would need to actually survive. As I went up to pay I felt someone bump into my solid frame and fall onto the floor.

The girl who bumped into me was a short girl(I am in Japan does she truly count as short here?) with pink hair, blue eyes with a black bow on her hair and she had rather... large assets that bounced as she hit the ground, somehow she also landed in a compromising position that revealed her white cotton panties.

How...? Also, she seems a bit familiar for some reason.

The girl looked up at me after rubbing her head before her mouth gaped as imaginary lightning struck her mind. He held her arms up as if to protect herself.

"Yankee-san!? Iyaa please don't kill me!" I could do nothing but stare at her exasperatedly. Even worse it wasn't just me staring, a few people had gathered around us.

Did this girl hit her head or something?

"Uh, yeah, I won't. Could you please get up now? People are kind of staring." Hearing my words the short stack got up while glancing wearily at me. I know I look somewhat intimidating but really?

Shaking my head at her I walked past her while she looked confused as hell, I did not judge, some people just worked slower than others. I just simply ignored the gazes thrown at me by the others and paid for my stuff before leaving.

But as I left for my house there was a feeling nagging at me. And just as I unlocked the door to my house my wind went back to that encounter at the supermarket. I just couldn't shake it out of my head. She was too familiar and distinct. I have seen her somewhere before.

I scrambled my mind trying to think of where before it hit me.

Then it hit me, didn't she belong to that one romcom that I did not bother to watch? What was its name? Kabuya saga? Although normally I would have chalked it up to a coincidence. But...

Colorful hairs, Japan, new family, memories, transmigration...

Yeah, it's far more believable to encounter an anime character right now, in fact, I would have been surprised to have NOT encountered an anime character.

Yeesh, what has happened to my life that I am barely surprised to have seen an anime character in real life?

Well, at least this life is better than my last one, no punks messing with me. Can't really complain.

But man... an Anime world?

This might not be so bad.

A/N: Don't be shy to leave your suggestions below, I really like reading your comments even if I don't respond sometimes.


James French

Ayoo Kaguya Sama love is warrrr


Great chapter can’t wait for more