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Man, am I tired.

Killing all those priests wasn't hard but it sure was annoying. After all they were level 10 at best most of them ranged around 5. With a single wind slash, I could kill a few. But they kept running around like headless chickens forcing me to chase them around.

They would do well as the base of my undead army.

Though for once I went against my creed and let one live.

That one was of course Freed Selzen. The rapist murder happy menace of a priest.

Why would I let that motherfucker live? Especially when I know for sure he would try getting revenge?

Well, that is the reason right there. Leaving him alive will give me a free delivery of Excalibur shards when he tries to get revenge on me.

Plus if I killed him I would have to account for yet another unknown. That would be annoying. I just have to wait for Cockabiel to give him the excaliburs then I can use the card of hindsight to find his location and ambush his creepy ass.

But now, I had an interrogation to get to and a satan to meet. Though my legs felt like jelly and my brain was fried until it was liquid after emptying my cursed energy reserves 5 times over in an hour. So instead of running, I took some guys bike that was parked in the streets and pedaled to the academy before leaving the bike in front of a shop.

It is not stealing. I just borrowed his bike without his consent of knowledge.

Thankfully the gate to the school was left open as I entered and walked up to the President's office. I entered without knocking, entirely too tired to care.

"Sup, I concluded my business." I declared in a monotone voice and greeted Rias and Sona who were waiting for me inside with their Queens. But for some reason, they looked very concerned.

"A-Akira-kun are you... okay?" Asked Rias with concern as I realized that the outfit I was wearing had turned completely red.

"Dont worry most of this isn't my blood hopefully, though I would appreciate some paper towels. Anyways what did you guys want to ask me again?" I would sit but I dont think Sona would appreciate me staining her couch with my cranberry juice.

"A-alright well, my Sister will arrive soon, and our peerage members are watching over the fallen in the ORC building. Until then I wanted to ask you some questions." Said Sona with a blush for some reason.

"Well, I guess you guys do deserve some explanation as to what I exactly am." Of course, I didn't really owe them any explanation but I could use this opportunity to increase my value in their eyes, and by wording it this way I make it seem like I trust them enough to share my personal information with them.

[ +5 Affection with Rias Gremory ]

[ +5 Affection with Tsubaki Shinra ]

[ +5 Affection with Akeno Himejima ]

[ +3 Affection with Sona Sitri ]

"What do you mean by what you are Akira-kun? Is it related to those skeletons earlier?"

"Well, you see I am not what one would consider a... magician in a conventional sense. I am what is called a "Sorcerer(Jujutsu-shi)" and as far as I am aware I am the only one in existence."

"Jujustu? Does that have anything to do with Senjutsu and Youjutsu? But can't only Yokai use those?" Hearing my words Sona snapped back into business mode while Rias listened way more intently than before.

"Yes and no. While they are similar they are in no way related to each other. My Jujutsu allows me to manipulate "Cursed Energy" which I can utilize to do a variety of things such as enhancing my own body, casting jujutsu, and just about what anything magic can do." I said I covered my entire body in cursed energy for a few seconds under their amazed gazes.

[ +5 Affection with Rias ]

[ +3 Affection with Sona Sitri ]

"That... certainly isn't Touki yet it acts like Touki. How unique. What about your..."

"Undead. I was getting to that, just like how the Devil Pillar clans have their bloodline abilities I have something similar. I was born with a unique ability that allows me to create undead out of corpses as you saw."

[ +10 Affection with Rias Gremory ]

[You have reached 50 affection with Rias Gremory]

[You have acquired the perk: Devilish Charms]

[Devilish Charms]

+10 Charm

+20% Affection Gain with Devils.

Huh, I knew Rias was easy but I didn't know she was that easy. But desperation does that to you I guess. After that piece of information, I revealed Sona pulled Rias aside for a talk while their queens stood nervously by their side as the argument got more intense. I couldn't really hear them as they set up a barrier though.

But this was good. Very, very good. They are getting competitive over me.  My display of importance worked. Since they are competing over me with each other they will keep trying to one-up each other in their offers. Which will benefit me the most regardless. Plus it will make my boring ass school life fun.

As they were arguing a deep blue magic circle appeared in the middle of the student council room and they stopped. And out of the magic circle stepped out... a magical girl?

I can just feel the blood vessels in my brain ballooning.

"Mil-mil-mil-mil Spiral! Tehe~, Magical Girl Levi is here to save the day! Nice to meet you☆. I am the Maou Serafall Leviathan☆. Call me Levia-tan☆." Said the... magical gi- Sa- fucking thing as she did what I could only assume are poses from a magical girl anime.

Why the fuck did I even bother fighting for my life against those fallen angels?

[Serafall Leviathan - Lv.???]

Just fucking kill me.

"Did I lose too much blood or did a magical girl just teleport here?" I said as I rubbed under my sunglasses and directly on my bloodied eyes. In front of me was a beautiful girl; looking in her late teens with black hair, tied into twin tails and Amethyst eyes dressed in pink magical clothing carrying around a prop magical girl staff.

[+5 Affection with Serafall Leviathan]

This was a Satan. She could spit in my general direction from a city away and kill. And she was dressed in a magical girl cosplay. After her show introduction thingy she came right upto and stared deep into my eyes with a contemplating expression.

"So you must be the Akira-kun my dear Sona-chan keeps talking about huh? Nice to meet you! I am Serafall Leviathan, a Satan. Call me Levia-tan☆!" I want to cry. I really just want to crouch down and shed tears right now. And by the looks of Sona who looks completely dead inside I can feel she shares the sentiment.

Suddenly she looked between me and Sona over and over again rapidly. Before recoiling back and clasping her hands over her chest like she was heartbroken.

"You are quite handsome are you her boyfriend? Oh no! Has Sona already enraptured you with her charms? Sona-chan you bad girl! You have already found a boyfriend while I was away!? I won't accept it!!!" I am fairly certain her words are to embarrass Sona and she isn't serious.

If so she is critically successful because even I am embarrassed here.

Suddenly Sona firmly and briskly walked over to Le- Levi- I can't even bring myself to say it in my monologue. She walked up to her sister and placed her hands on her shoulder. Her face was completely red and she had tears in the corner of her eyes.

"...Onee-sama, please, please stop humiliating me any further." Porr Sona looked like she would break out into actual tears in a second so Sera backed off but not before getting an understanding look.

After that the negotiations finally happened with an ever so slightly more serious Serafall. It basically boiled down to her asking me why I was attacked, what happened to the attackers, etc. She was quite surprised when I told her that they were ordered by Azazel to do this. Of course, to keep up my act I also asked to please find out why Azazel of all people wants my head.

In response, she gave me a thumbs up and said. And I fucking quote.

"Don't worry! Magical Girl Levia-tan☆ will make sure those bad fallen angels won't touch you☆! Sona-chan would get sad if you got hurt and I would get sad if Sona-chan were to get sad!"

...I mean at least I was assured that I wouldn't face retaliation for beating up those crooks to that was good?

Lastly, she asked what I wanted as a reward for turning in the fallen to her instead of executing them and saving her a bunch of trouble as well as getting attacked in Devil-controlled territory that she would compensate me in place of Sona.

Naturally, I asked for money. The one resource I was lacking desparately. Though I asked half of it to be paid in gems instead for my experiments which she readily agreed to. Hopefully, she would be generous with the amount.

After that, she took the fallen angels with her and left. And after saying goodbyes to Sona and Rias as well as their queens I took out my magic mirror and returned home. And the moment I was in my room I plopped down on my bed without caring about how filthy I was.

What a shit show this was. At least that whole ordeal with the fallen was over with.



Whatever, whatever problems may arise. The Akira of tomorrow can deal with them. The Akira of now demands rest.

And so my immense exhaustion brought me to sleep in seconds.



Very nice chapter and I think that was an excellent affection perk to get from Rias as it fits coming from her and isn’t to over powered

James French

Good shit as usual, and glad our man got more perspective on the BS power scaling here hahahaha