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Could you die for me?" Her Yuuma persona completely fell apart as her voice went deeper and her features grew more mature. And in a moment her clothes tore themselves apart, just for a moment flashing her bare body to me but I did not have enough time to appreciate as what I could describe only as BDSM gear replaced her former clothes and black wings like a crow's grew out of her back.

'Now you reveal your true colors huh?' She floated slightly off of the ground, waiting to see my reaction as her friends set up a barrier around the park. But to her surprise, I was seemingly unphased.

After all, I had been waiting for this.


The look of shock and surprise on her face was worth every moment of teasing I had endured. But I did not spend my time savoring it as I took advantage of her shock.

I activated Cursed Energy Enhancement and rushed toward her, even though she had higher agility than me she couldn't react in time because of her shock.

By the time she could react my fist had already reached her face.


Raynare flew back as my CE-covered fist slammed into her face before hitting the water fountain behind her. But I didn't give her a moment of reprieve as I quickly dispelled enhancement and cast a death bolt as she crashed into the fountain.

It is one of my faster spells. Unlike the cursed fireball which can take over a second to fully charge and release, a death bolt is near instant.

After she was hit by the bolt and screamed in pain, I closed in and reactivated CE enhancement before hitting her in the stomach with a hook then following it up by hitting her head with an elbow.

"Ghagh!" She let out a cry of pain before trying to form a spear of light but I responded faster and the moment I saw the pink spear starting to emerge I took out a black key and stabbed it through her wrist. Her strength may be way higher than mine but initiative is incredibly important in a fight.

If this fight had started without her being surprised and knowing that I was a threat beforehand I wouldn't be able to guarantee my life. A fight is won before it even starts. She reached rapidly with her other hand toward me to pull me off but I summoned another black key and nailed that hand to the wall too. Because of her stunned state, she wasnt able to employ her full strength and agility.

Bringing out Tozana I slammed its pommel on the back of her neck, knocking her out but just as I did so I felt a sharp pain at the back of my leg before it gave out.

"Oi what the hell do you think you are doing to Raynare-neesama!?" I got up from my kneeling position and looked at the bright pink spear of light sticking out of my ankle.

"I can't believe a mere human managed to catch Raynare off-guard. Well, count this as your bad day boy. At least if you surrendered to Raynare you would've died easily. Dont worry, we will put you out of your misery soon."

Glancing upward I saw 3 crows floating above me.


[Dohnaseek - Lv. 46]

Race: Fallen Angel

Title: The Least Interesting Fallen Angel Created

Vit: 111

End: 93

Str: 110

Agi: 88

Int: 82

Wis: 101

A below-average fallen angel that is more forgettable than most.


The first of the stooges wore a black trenchcoat and fedora and held a briefcase in one hand. He looked to be a middle-aged man, and looked like he was a second away from offering you candy to get into his van. He seemed to be the most physically attuned of the bunch.


[ Mittelt - Lv. 41 ]

Race: Fallen Angel

Title: The Fallen Goth Loli

Vit: 88

End: 70

Str: 90

Agi: 105

Int: 92

Wis: 122


The second was a girl with blonde hair which was styled into twin-tails and had blue eyes.

She wore a Gothic Lolita attire, which consisted of a black dress with white frills, a large black bow on the front, and a green jewel embedded on the collar, white thigh-high socks, and black shoes. She also wore a large black bow on top of her hair. She seemed to be the weak link of the bunch and the one who threw me the fucking spear.


[Kalawarner - Lv. 48]

Race: Fallen Angel

Title: The Fallen With the Assets

Vit: 120

Str:  80

Agi: 98

End: 70

Int: 110

Wit: 130


And the last one that was giving me a glare that could freeze over hell was Kalawarner. A tall and buxom woman with brown eyes and long, navy blue hair.

Her attire consisted of a maroon, trenchcoat-like top with a wide collar, a matching miniskirt, and black-heeled shoes. The trenchcoat top was open at her chest, giving view to her breasts and cleavage. She also wore a gold necklace around her neck. A glass cannon.

As the three stared down at me the spear in my ankle dissipated, making a fountain of blood gush out. Just that spear had downed my HP by 25%.

"Indeed. It really is an unfortunate day, isn't it? For you all that is." Saying that I activated CE enhancement and dodged the second spear aimed at me before my shadow expanded. And from my shadow rose 5 skeleton warriors in steel armor with kite shields and broadswords.

Seeing their shocked expressions I couldn't help but taunt them.

"What? Thought you outnumbered me?" "How dare you human!" Shouted the man as he rose to my provocations and rushed at me as the tank of their party while Mittelt and Kalawarner shot their spears at me but I commanded my warriors to intercept them with their shields. Although they staggered from the spears and got 8% of their health chipped they held on.

*Crash!* I jumped back just in time to avoid Dohnaseek stabbing his spear of light into where I stood a millisecond prior. But now he was grounded.

'Grave Buster.' Several skeletal arms burst out of the ground where Dohnaseek had stabbed his spear into, grabbing his arms and legs. Given his strength, he could easily break out of them but it will still hold him for a bit.

"What the hell are these!?"

And that bit is just enough.

'Cursed Flames.' I raised my hand and a ball of green coalesced in my palm and just before Dohnaseek broke out the grasp of the undead the ball of flame grew to full size and hit his body.

*BOOOOOOOOM!!!* "AAAAARRRGHHH!!!!" Getting hit by the explosion Dohnaseek's body got launched several meters and back and crashed into a tree and snapped it in half, most of his clothes were burnt off as the cursed flames kept ravaging his flesh.

I landed on the ground and chugged a mana pot. And suddenly a sharp pain in my side, a spear had hit me. Piercing my stomach, Kalawarner and Mittelt had flown above into a position that the skeleton warriors couldn't reach. Reactivating CE enhancement I rushed behind a tree, just grazing Kalawarner's yellow spear of light.

"Where are you running? Where did all that bravado go human!?" I ducked under another spear and ran behind another tree and summoned the Skeleton wizard and the rotten strays. I commanded the dogs to rush out and they immediately got speared, having wasted their shot I commanded the wizard to come out and start attacking them as the skeleton warriors converged around the wizard to protect him.

The Fallen tried to spear him but the warriors prevented it by tanking the blows as the magician started flinging death bolts and icicle lances at the fallen, nicking them a few times and allowing me a moment to breathe as I chugged another health potion.

Suddenly Dohnaseek who had recovered from the flames, albeit rather poorly, charged at me. Unable to react properly in time I was too late to guard myself as the spear he threw pierced my left shoulder. Dohnaseek created another one and leaped at me.

I activated CE enhancement once more as I pulled Tozama out of my inventory and parried his maddened blow. His blow was heavy for me but I managed to deflect it and slashed his chest. He flinched from the blow, most likely unused to such combat. I pressed forward and slashed him again. But this time he parried my knife with his light spear. I quickly let go of the knife and kicked his balls, following it up with an elbow to his jaw as he knelt over.

Jumping back I cast [Icicle Lance] as 3 sharp and long icicles formed and were launched at Dohnaseek, digging into his skin. Not letting up wind formed in my hand and I released a [Wind Slash] that dug into his arm. I turned to check on the wizard and it wasn't good. The warriors were on their last legs. And while the wizard had managed to whittle down a bit of their health they would be overtaken soon.

This flight advantage was really getting on my nerves. And just then an idea popped into my head and I chugged another mp potion, it tasted like mud and hurt going down, and its efficiency was down in the shitters but it was just enough.

'Summon Undead: Skeleton Ranger.' It took almost all of my remaining CE bar but a skeleton wearing a dark green ranger clothing with piercing blue flame eyes that wielded a large dark wooden bow with a quiver on its back manifested.

[Skeleton Ranger Lv. 50]

I mentally commanded the ranger to shoot down the crows and the ranger with surprising speed got into position before loading an arrow into its large bow before waiting for a good opportunity and with extreme precision shot an arrow covered in a green hue that hit one of Kalawarner's wings.

"KYAH!!!" Kalawarner screamed in pain as a hole appeared in her wing and as she was distracted a bolt of necrotic energy also hit. Now she was more focused on staying afloat than charging another spear. Mittelt, seeing Kalawarner get shot by the ranger, aimed her spear at the ranger but unfortunately for her, the ranger easily avoided her hastily done throw and nocked another arrow into its bow. This time aiming for Mittelt.

On the other hand, I was not doing so hot. My brain burnt, my body cried in exhaustion and pain. And it seemed like Dohnaseek had not had enough as he threw another spear at me, my leg wasnt in a condition to dodge so I took the hit with my left arm. Dohnaseek charged at me again but just as he was about to get into melee range again I released a card I had been holding onto.


On command, the large Skeleton Wolf leapt out of my shadow and ripped Dohnaseeks hand off before pinning him down and biting his limbs. I turned to see Kalawarner and Mittelt land onto the ground. Both wounded. I needed to end this soon, one more spear to my body and I am done.

Ignoring my wounds I sprinted at Mittelt while I commanded the rest of my undead to focus on Kalawarner. Mittelt, who saw me dashing at her like a madman flinched in fear as I closed in on her.

"Stay away!" She shouted in fear as she summoned a spear far weaker than before and threw it at me. I easily avoided her pathetic attempt. Uncaring of her fear I reached her before grabbing her face with my one good arm and slammed her head into the stone floor. Knocking her out.

And I saw to my side that Kalawarner was also incapacitated. Overwhelmed by my warriors alongside my ranger and magician.

I dropped to my knees. Wounded, tired, and drained. But a ghost of a smile tugged on my lips.

But I won.

[Quest Complete!]



Thanks for the chapter, Seeing how you said knocked out I’m going to assume he’s going to make subordinates out of some of them or get info. The only one that’s really attractive to me is Kalawarner, so it would be a little sad to see her die but definitely was a good fight.