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The feeling could be compared to sticking a red hot knife through your brain and twisting it, thankfully for him the pain was brief yet still excruciating. It took all of his power to not scream hell bloody enough to make satan blush.

"*Huff* *Huff* What the fuck...?"

He laid on the ground while breathing heavily, trying desperately to sort through the memories he received from that mental skull fucking. But after a while of reminiscing the memories forcefully, VERY forcefully crammed into his head he came to a realization.

'I have been reincarnated in another world? Wait... '

He remembered the words spoken by the people in his memories.

'Magic circuits, Od, Prana, Family, Branch family, failure, Magus... ah fuck. Don't tell me...'

If he was somehow not panicking then, he sure as hell was panicking now. But thanks to the 10 years of compiled memories integrating into his body he managed to regain his composure after a while.

'So... Fate huh? Great, just great.'

He rubbed his brows in irritation. If his memories were correct(They probably are, it would be quite hard to fake several years of memories) then he was in the world of Type:Moon, nasuverse, fate, whatever you want to call it. 

So that meant. *Inhale*



Morally bankrupt mages whose hobbies are commiting warcrimes.



Evil Gods.

Outer Gods.

Parallel realities.

Horrors beyond any human comprehension.

Sealing orders.

Angry Mango.

Gas Leaks.

Cosmic Gods.

Ultimate Ones.

So yeah, that's neat, isn't it? Thankfully it doesn't seem like he would really have to deal with 90 percent of the horribles on that list. Besides, it wasn't TOO bad. He was somewhat familiar with the Type:Moon verse. And type moon wasn't the worst world to end up in as most cosmic horrors aren't your problem as long as you don't make them your problem.

After all, he could've ended up in somewhere like Darksouls.

But as more and more memories flooded in he realized that not all was rain and depressing. 

It was worse.

This was acid rain and thunder. Because it either seems like I managed to mess up the transmigration that badly or some god in the fate verse has it out for me.

I was born into the Aarthread family. A magus family that was medium/small in size with great wealth, I was born into the 3rd wife of the head of the family, Malcolm Aarthread. Sounds sweet right? Born into wealth and a decent backing, I could just live my life as an average magus right?

Oh, you sweet sweet naive child.

That could have been the case. Since this family is seemingly quite lenient toward its offspring. Unfortunately for me, that wasn't the case.

Because you see there is something called magic circuits that Magus put a lot of importance on. Because in most cases better circuits = better magus. So magus families put a lot of importance on their children being born with a high quality and quantity of circuits. But even if it isn't spectacular it is most often acceptable.

And for me, I was an anomaly. Because I was born with a staggeringly low amount of magic circuits with spectacularly bad quality. Which, considering the amount of eugenics the average magus family goes through is a goddam miracle.

More specifically I had 6 circuits with quality that is barely E. So bad that it was almost miraculous considering my heritage. Of course to say that my "parents" were less than pleased with that fact. Which lead to them basically disowning me.

Although they were quite nice compared to other magi since instead of throwing me inside a garbage bin or something they instead basically shipped me off to one of their mansions and put a handful of servants in charge of me. Since money was not something that mattered much to magi.

But that wasn't all, because my circuits weren't just bad, they were absolute garbage. Even casting small spells strains them and for some reason causes me to cough up blood.  

I didn't just get shafted, I got the whole damn rod shoved into me. 

Oh, you really thought I was done!?

My body is also slightly weaker than average so the shitty circuits strain me even more. And my nails are black for some reason. Even still.

Using your circuits normally shouldn't make you cough up blood y'know!?!?

At least my child self was somewhat competent, he was quiet and reserved but more mature than other children his age thanks to being the child of a magus. And being neglected by his parent made him grow up faster.

To try and prove his worth to his parents. So he tried practicing magecraft. But his only method of learning was asking his maid to order books for him so with no teacher and only books he didn't make much progress.

Hell, I nearly killed myself from overusing my circuits, thankfully my maid saved my ass. But still, some patches of my hair are white because of that. But at least I have some knowledge about mage craft from that.

It felt quite weird watching a younger me go about life. It wasn't like this was a different person. It was me, it acted like a younger me, just with a different background, weird stuff.

Now considering all of that... What the hell do I do?

But just as I was considering my honestly fairly limited future options I saw it. In front of my eyes appeared a half-transparent black window.

[ Integration complete ]

[ The status screen is now accessible ]



Seeing the screen in front of him he couldn't help but let out a burst of maniacal laughter as jumped up from his seat. It seemed like he wasn't completely shafted after all.

*Knock* *Knock* "Young master? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Shit, I got carried away and actually forgot where I was. Hearing my maniacal laughter one of the maids must have come to check up on me.

"...Alright then, breakfast will be ready in 10 minutes." Saying those words she thankfully left me alone. 

Well, that was embarrassing. I can't believe I just did that. Maybe my younger body is affecting my mental state? Possible. After all, my body should at least somewhat affect my mental state. Ugh, dealing with puberty again will be less than fun.

I will check the "system" after I eat, first let's take a look at myself, although I got briefed on my life in the memories it was quite vague, mostly giving me a feel for things. For example, I knew who Natalie was but not exactly her appearance, I only know it generally. The same goes for myself.

Thankfully there was a mirror already in my room so I went up to it. 

'Yup, that's little me alright.'

Reflected in the mirror was a 14-year-old boy with amber eyes and dark grey hair that reached his shoulders that had a few patches of white. He was decently tall for his age at 5'7ft and unlike his previous life his frame was fairly skinny and his skin was slightly pale. But otherwise, he was pretty handsome, not a head-turner but still fairly good-looking.

The body could use some work but now it was time for breakfast as well as checking out the mansion. He made sure he was properly dressed and groomed before exiting his room and making his way downstairs to the dining room. 

It was his first time seeing the inside of a mansion let alone being inside one so he was a tad bit overwhelmed. But that didn't really bother him thanks to the familiarity he had with the mansion from his memories, so he could also navigate the place fairly well. After a few minutes of walking around to refresh his knowledge of the place, he went into the dining room to have breakfast.

"Good morning young master, I have prepared your breakfast."

"Thank you, Natalie."

In front of me stood an absolutely beautiful woman that stood at roughly 169cm tall with wearing a classic maid outfit. She had dark purple hair and dark blue eyes.

And she had rather ahem large assets with a curvy figure that was barely hidden by her maid outfit. Upon seeing her generous figure his traitorous body couldn't help but blush. Upon seeing his gaze and blush she chuckled.

Fucking hormones. I can't wait to get rid of you bastards.

She was Natalie no surname. She was the maid assigned to Noah and the head maid of the mansion. She had taken care of him for over 4 years. But to say she was a maid would not be completely true.

She was more like a slave in a way. Unlike the other servants in the mansion who get paid with money, she gets paid by the tattoo on her neck not boiling her blood until she died. She basically had a slave collar tattooed to her neck that would turn hotter when she disobeyed.

In a classical magus family move, my family had bought her from her parents at a young age, slapped an improvised slave crest on her, and trained her as a maid. Thus she was actually the only maid in this house that knows about mage craft and magus.

From what I know she is quite trustworthy seeing as she took care of me for several years and due to the fact that I can boil her veins whenever I want. In the eyes of my "family" she wasn't really an important asset so they quite literally just gave her to me. 

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her excuse herself and leave me to my breakfast. Shrugging I sat down at the luxurious table and looked at my meal.

'This is quite possibly the most luxurious meal I have ever had.'

On my plate were steak and eggs along with potatoes. Medium rare juicy steak, crispy potatoes, fluffy eggs, and toast along with tea. I devoured the meal with voracity as I was immensely hungry for some reason. After finishing my delicious meal I got up and headed toward my study. 

My study was right next to my room on the second floor. I entered my study and locked the door behind me just in case. The room was mostly brown with bookcases covering the wall, there was a main desk, a couch, two small couches, and a window that was covered by red curtains.

But other than that it was pretty barren, the bookcase was fairly empty except for a few books that old/young me got Natalie to get for him. Since she was still considered a servant of the Aarthread family I could request books through her. Even then it was rather barren as they wouldn't spare many resources for a future 4th-grade magus.

As for the lack of furniture, it was understandable, after all this was a spare mansion of a magus family, of course, it wouldn't be fully furnished nor would it contain anything of true worth, just some superficial stuff. And kid me didn't really bother with decoration much due to his crippling depression.

I guess it's fine, that just allows me to shape the room to my liking. The study itself is soundproof too which was nice. But without further ado, I plopped myself down on the couch.




Thanks for the chapter, can’t wait to see how he makes headway in the Fate universe


Also how old is the maid? I’m assuming she is older then him